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BAKU: TV Reports Armenian Maneuver In Agdam


ANS TV, Azerbaijan
Sept 14 2007

[Presenter] The Armenian armed forces have started a large-scale
manoeuvre near the [Armenia] occupied village of Uzundara in
Azerbaijan’s Agdam District. Tanks, heavy artillery and aircraft are
involved in the manoeuvre. Our regional correspondent has the details.

[Sahin Rzayev, over phone] The Armenian armed forces started a
manoeuvre in the occupied part of Agdam District at about 1030 [0530
gmt] today. The manoeuvre are observed mainly near Uzundra village.

Artillery guns, I mean Grad missile systems, and tanks are firing at
various targets. Helicopter gunships of the opposite side [Armenia]
air force are also involved in the exercise. Thus, at about 1920
[1420 gmt] yesterday two helicopters of the Armenian air forces flew
over the occupied villages of Xidirli and Cullu. Helicopters have
been firing at various targets in areas close to the front line since
the manoeuvre started today. Despite this happens at a long distance,
the movement of Armenian heavy hardware in areas close to the front
line can be observed [from the Azerbaijani territory. Firing sounds
can be heard in all residential areas in the Azerbaijani-controlled
section of Agdam District. Smoke and dust caused by blasts can be seen
in areas close to the contact line. The manoeuvre lasted intensively
for about one hour from 1030 [0530 gmt]. During this period, sounds
of continuos firing from large-calibre weapons were heard. Firing
can be heard right now as well.

[Presenter] Thank you, Sahin. That was Sahin Rzayev’s report on the
Armenian armed forces’ manoeuvre in the occupied village of Uzundara
in Azerbaijan’s Agdam District. The [Azerbaijani] Defence Ministry
has confirmed the report. The Armenian side is making an illegal use
of the occupied areas. A large amount of weapons and munitions is
being kept there and exercises are being carried out. The ministry
added that international organizations should react seriously to this.

[APA news agency, in Azeri 0630 gmt 14 Sep 07, reported at an
Azerbaijani soldier had been killed in a cease-fire violation incident
in the Karabakh conflict zone on 13 September; at 0742 gmt 14 Sep
07 Arminfo quoted the chief of the general staff of the Karabakh
separatist army, Levon Mnatsakanyan, as saying that all types of
defence technologies were used during manoeuvres and it were taking
place in four phases]

Jalatian Sonya:
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