Tufenkian Fnd, ADAA collaborate to benefit young filmmakers in ROA

September 23, 2007
Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance
20 Concord Lane, Cambridge, MA 02138
Contact: Zoe Kevork
Tel: (818) 415-9848

Tufenkian Foundation, ADAA collaborate to benefit young filmmakers in Armenia
by Antranig Kasbarian

LOS ANGELES – In a new and innovative partnership, the Armenian Dramatic Arts
Alliance (ADAA) and the Tufenkian Foundation have joined to assist young
filmmakers in Armenia. Working with the Manana NGO for talented youth, the
two groups initiated a summer filmmaking workshop featuring noted directors
Gor Kirakosian and Carla Garapedian. More recently, the groups have arranged
the donation of state-of-the-art film and video equipment, which has been
shipped to Manana through the generous assistance of the United Armenian

"We felt that the Manana workshops went incredibly well. The children were
delightful and they seemed to absorb like a sponge everything they were
being taught," noted ADAA President Bianca Bagatourian. "Both of our
instructors were very taken by them and I believe that Gor Kirakossian has
promised to go back a few times and continue. He was teaching them very
practical and technical things, and by watching the classes we gained a much
better idea of exactly what is needed."

For the past 10 years, Manana has offered comprehensive education to gifted
youth in the visual arts, media, and creative writing. Nearly 100 children
attend its Yerevan center, where they receive not only technical skills, but
also training in analytical thinking, self-motivation, and social awareness.
Manana’s young talents have already participated at international
competitions, receiving awards and nominations for their films and other
creative works.

To date, the Tufenkian Foundation has served as Manana’s lead sponsor.
During 2007, other groups – most notably, the Paros Foundation – have stepped in
with substantial contributions as well.

Founded in 2005, the Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance is dedicated to
projecting the Armenian voice on the world stage through theatre and film.
To learn more about ADAA, check out its website at
