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Former ‘No Place For Hate’ Group Urges ADL To Change Views On Armeni

By Jillian Fennimore, staff writer

Watertown Tab & Press, MA
Sept 27 2007

Members of the town’s former "No Place for Hate" committee say that
four months ago they were operating a successful anti-bias program
without conflict under the Anti-Defamation League.

Now, those same members are taking a strong stance against the actions
of the national ADL, urging the civil rights group to unequivocally
recognize the Armenian Genocide.

In a letter to the ADL, Will Twombly, former co-chairperson of
Watertown’s "No Place for Hate" committee and fellow co-chair
Sgt. David Sampson of the Watertown Police Department made their
message strong.

"It was impossible to continue our committee’s work, and to regain
our credibility in the community, while affiliated with the ADL under
these circumstances," the letter reads. "We cannot fully believe
the sincerity of the ADL’s stated goals – to work for the fair and
equal treatment of all – until you have completely and wholeheartedly
supported the Armenian people in their quest to have their history
acknowledged by all nations of the world."

The controversy, which continues to have international repercussions,
began in Watertown. In July, Newton’s David Boyajian wrote a letterto
the Watertown TAB & Press about the ADL’s stance, which some said
amounted to denial that the World War I-era deaths of 1.5 million
Armenians under the Ottoman Empire were "genocide."

After much public debate and emotional outpouring from local Armenians
and officials, ADL National Director Abraham Foxman changed the
organization’s position in August by calling the consequences of the
Ottoman Empire’s actions "tantamount to genocide."

Foxman enraged many Armenians, however, by his organization’s continued
opposition to a Congressional resolution making it the official
U.S. view that the massacres of Armenians were genocide, that is to
say a concerted government effort to annihilate an ethnic group.

"We want to see the ADL take what we feel would be critical step in
endorsing the Congressional resolution [on the Armenian Genocide],"
said Twombly.

Twombly said he hopes Foxman’s shifted outlook will begin a "badly
needed healing process."

"We would feel hollow if it were not followed by an endorsement of
the Congressional legislation," he told the TAB & Press.

Ruth Thomasian, a local Armenian and former member of the "No Place
for Hate" committee, said the committee’s original thoughts were not
to immediately leave the ADL, since their programs were running so
smoothly in town.

"Originally we weren’t demanding to cut ties," she said. "We wanted
to stay part of system because it was a great program. But we can’t
be hypocritical about diversity issues."

Last month, Town Council members unanimously accepted a proclamation
sponsored by At-Large Councilor Marilyn Devaney severing ties with
the ADL.

Since then, Belmont and Newton have followed Watertown’s lead.

Arlington, which had been seeking "No Place for Hate" certification,
suspended its involvement in the program. Other cities and towns are
also mulling whether to drop "No Place for Hate."

Members of the dissolved "No Place for Hate" committee in Watertown
are planning a public program about the Armenian genocide. Something
will be scheduled in early July, according to Twombly.

The national ADL plans to revisit its policy toward recognition of
the Armenian genocide in November.

When asked whether or not committee members would consider rejoining
with the ADL if the Congressional legislation is passed, Thomasian
said anything could be possible down the road.

"That legislation has been going on for over 20 years," she said.

"But, yes, that would have to be considered."

Torgomian Varazdat:
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