GUAM Initiatives In UN Pursue Political Objectives


27.09.2007 19:07 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "By a GUAM initiative, 2 items were put on the
agenda of the UN General Assembly’s 62nd session: first referring
to the so-called arsons of Azeri lands and the second referring to
frozen conflicts in the CIS. Both items were carried over from the
61st session and may be even postponed to the next one," RA permanent
representative in the UN Armen Martirosyan told reporters in Yerevan.

Both initiatives pursue political objectives and have nothing to do
with the truth, according to him.

"Armenia has raised the issue of desecration of the Armenian cemetery
in old Djuga but the visit of the UNESCO mission was twice frustrated
through the fault of the Azeri side," Martirosyan said.

For his part, Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian said passage
of a resolution on the frozen conflicts by the UN will have negative

"GUAM member states are trying to convince the international community
that they want to solve problems. However, they had better think over
the consequences before resorting to the move," the RA FM said.