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Architects Of The Virtual Reality

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkharh, Armenia
Sept 28 2007

The political developments in Armenia, as we know, are full of
paradoxes and the most outstanding is the mystery of the peaceful
co-existence of the two parallel worlds.

There are certain political procedures in our reality that one must be
blind not to notice them. In parallel with this there is a somewhat
virtual policy, where each person can see what he wants to see,
according to his education and abilities. But there are also false
stereotypes that have already passed the "test". These stereotypes
have been refuted in the real life and not once, but they still remain
"viable" in the imagination of Armenian politicians.

Lets bring some specific examples.

Those who are fond of palace intrigues, after 1998, were trying to
convince us, simple citizens, that President Robert Kocharyan has
unsolvable disagreements, moreover that he is in hostile relations
with Vazgen Sargsyan and that the latter hates R. Kocharyan and Serge
Sargsyan and that he is ready to "swallow" them very soon.

After 1999 parliamentary elections they started telling stories
about Karen Demirchyan – Vazgen Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan – Serge
Sargsyan hostile conflict. Later this virtual conflict was speculated
to substantiate the stillborn version of the high level arrangement of
"October 27".

When Andranik Margaryan was appointed as the Prime Minister, the
connoisseurs of internal political plots developed the scenario of the
latter’s near resignation. Later they put into practice the fantastic
story about Robert Kocharyan – Andranik Margaryan, Andranik Margaryan
– Serge Sargsyan and Serge Sargsyan – Robert Kocharyan mutual hatred
and aspirations to "swallow" one another.

The unexpected death of the Prime Minister put an end to the share
of the speculations regarding A. Margaryan. Instead the establishment
of "Bargavach Hayastan" party before the parliamentary elections and
Dashnaktsutyun’s decision to run for the presidential elections with
their own candidate refreshed the rumors about Robert Kocharyan –
Serge Sargsyan hidden conflict.

In parallel with this principal or so to say "pivotal" topic,
the architects of the virtual reality, time-after-time (when they
consider it necessary) circulate the "serial" about Samvel Babayan –
Robert Kocharyan and Samvel Babayan – Serge Sargsyan hostile relations,
that dates back to 1990, when Levon Ter-Petrosyan, by unknown reasons
overlooked his outstanding staff and invited Serge Sargsyan to Armenia
and later appointed Robert Kocharyan, who was NKR President at that
time, as RA Prime Minister, to bring the country out of crises.

Today, when one of the political powers, "Dashink", not entering the
parliament, which enjoys comparably higher rating, by the initiative of
the party-leader has taken the decision to merge with Armenian Ramkavar
Liberal Party, the thesis on Samvel Babayan – Serge Sargsyan hostility
has over again become "urgent". Because extended Armenian Ramkavar
Liberal Party can have a serious role in 2008 presidential elections.

Thus some people are trying to snatch guarantees from Samvel Babayan
who is in "hostile relations with Serge Sargsyan" that innovated
Armenian Ramkavar Liberal Party won’t support Serge Sargsyan in the
presidential elections.

It is useless for leader of "Dashink" party to make efforts to
explain to these people that merging process has nothing to do with
the upcoming elections. And that supporting this or that candidate
shouldn’t be an end in itself, it should be program based. And the
third thing is, as S. Babayan underscored in his interview given to
one of the newspapers, " It is wrong to be guided by hostility in
politics, that is why I don’t consider anyone my rival. The story,
that Serge Sargsyan left Karabakh after having a conflict with me is
also invented."

Moreover in the spring of 1993," Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Vazgen
Sargsyan asked Serge Sargsyan, Head of the triumphant army, to become
Armenia’s Defense Minister. Later Armenian government officials
circulated the rumors that Serge Sargsyan left Karabakh because of a
conflict with me. This is the reality. I would advice some political
powers not to dirt the water for their own benefit. " Thus, judge
yourselves, in what way and in the kitchens of what "political
powers’ are similar stories about "everyone against everyone",
hostile relations and plot, being invented.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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