Vardan Oskanian is concerned about the declarations of Ter-Petrosian

AZG Armenian Daily #177, 29/09/2007



"The situation is generally evaluated, as there are serious
developments in the region today, new processes have started, deep
analyses are done – what kind of influence they will have on the
region and on Armenia, and what policy we need", announced Armenian
Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian at a meeting of RA diplomatic
representatives and heads of consulates on September 27.

Issues of bilateral relations and multilateral diplomacy were
discussed also at the meeting. Cultural diplomacy is discussed as
means of presentation of Armenia abroad.

The diplomats discussed Russia-USA, NATO, EU broadening, power,
security and other issues, the policy on Iran, formation of the unions
in the territory of former Soviet Union, etc.

According to Vardan Oskanian the meeting of Armenian and Turkish
foreign ministers in New York is scheduled by joint initiative. "The
main issue of the meeting is if Turkish policy on Armenia has changed
or not, taking into account the new authorities of it. The Armenian
position remains unalterable – without preconditions", said RA Foreign
Minister. "What about Karabakh negotiation process, the next meeting
with OSCE Co-Chairs is already scheduled, but we can’t say the same
about the meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister".

Vardan Oskanian touched upon the issue of the recent declarations of
Levon Ter-Petrosian about the unalterable position of Azerbaijan: "Any
declaration of Karabakh issue must be done cautiously. It’s an issue
that concerns all of us, it’s a national issue, and we must be careful
not to give additional opportunity to Azerbaijan to change or to
toughen its attitude. I am concerned that the recent declarations may
have that kind of result. Anyway, we’ll live and see."

By Aghavni Harutyunian, translated by L.H.