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Middle East States Most Unsafe For Armenian Diaspora


01.10.2007 13:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian community is a part of Lebanon. It’s
engaged in the public and political life of this country, RA Ambassador
to Lebanon Vahan Ter-Ghevondyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Armenian media’s covering of events taking place in the Middle East
doesn’t meet Armenia’s interests.

Instead of furnishing unprejudiced information, some Armenian media are
copying the western cliches describing the conflicting groupings in
Lebanon as terrorists and fundamentalists. This is incomprehensible,
since these "terrorists" have seats in the parliament and control
the army and a part of Lebanon’s territory," Amd. Ter-Ghevondyan said.

"The Middle East states are the most unsafe for the Armenian
Diaspora. "The situation in region is very tensed. That is why we
should be extremely cautious to prevent mass outflows of Armenians,"
he said.

For his part, Shahan Kankhadaryan, the editor-in-chief of Beirut-based
Azdak newspaper, said the Armenian community in Lebanon feels safe
enough at the moment.

"Some leave for the United States and Canada, but they are mostly
young people, who doesn’t have the possibility to get education and
job," he said.

The Armenian community of Lebanon counts 100 thousand people. Several
Armenians were slightly injured in a blast that killed Antoine Ghanem

Nadirian Emma:
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