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Armenian Assembly Mobilizes Community Surpport


AZG Armenian Daily

Washington, DC – As part of the Armenian Assembly’s ongoing effort
to secure passage of H. Res. 106, the Armenian Genocide Resolution,
the Assembly issued a "call to action" as the House Foreign Affairs
Committee announced its decision to consider the resolution on
Wednesday, October 10th. The resolution is identical to legislation
adopted by the Committee in 2005 by a vote of 40 to 7, which included
the support of the Chairman and Ranking Member.

The legislation, introduced in January of this year by Congressman
Adam Schiff, along with his colleagues Congressmen George Radanovich,
Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr.and Joe Knollenberg, as
well as Reps. Brad Sherman, Thaddeus McCotter and Anna Eshoo, garnered
over 150 supporters on the day of introduction, and has now grown to
a majority in the House of Representatives with over 220 cosponsors. H.

Res. 106 also enjoys the support of millions of Americans as evidenced
by the broad-based support of more than 50 organizations.

"Passage of this bipartisan human rights legislation will send a
powerful message to those who continue, despite the incontestable
truth, to deny the Armenian Genocide," said Assembly Executive Director
Bryan Ardouny. "Now is the time to ensure a resounding victory. We
must put an end to denial and the vicious cycle of genocide."The
Assembly will continue to mount an aggressive campaign, which
also includes raising international awareness of other genocides
and combating denial. Last week, as part of the Assembly’s ongoing
commitment to increase awareness of past and current genocides and end
the atrocities in Darfur, the Assembly joined His Holiness Karekin
II, Catholicos of All Armenians, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan
Williams, Armenian Genocide survivors and other human rights activists
for a symbolic torch lighting ceremony honoring genocide victims and
survivors worldwide.

Also, last week, the Assembly challenged the morally bankrupt letter
by eight former U.S. Secretaries of State calling their letter
to prevent consideration of H. Res.106 "inconsistent with the
fundamental tenets of American values."H. Res. 106 must pass the
House Foreign Affairs Committee before it can be considered for a
vote on the House floor.Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly
is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting
public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues.

Nalbandian Albert:
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