Lexington: Poll: No Place for Hate

Poll: No Place for Hate

Thu Oct 04, 2007, 06:58 AM EDT

Lexington – The shutters are falling off. It hasn’t been painted in
years because its outer shell will not hold paint. But Lexington’s
White House still stands at the eastern entrance of the town’s main
Until this summer it housed the school district’s administration; now
the town’s Department of Public Works wants to use it until its new
facility is built on Bedford Street over the next two years.
This week we asked what you think should be done with the White House.
Our extremely unscientific poll showed a lot of support for a senior
center there (53 votes or 55 percent). Respondents also had their own
ideas; the "Other" category had 16 votes (17 percent). It included
these suggestions: sell it, move the school administration back and
restore the recreation space at Old Harrington, turn it into a
community center or teen center, and hold it for future public
building expansion. Voters also suggested building a new police
station, parking lot, or affordable housing.
Other votes were cast for "Build something else there consistent with
nearby architecture" (14 votes, 15 percent), "Tear it down and make it
a park" (10 percent, 10 votes), and "Replace it with an exact replica
(three votes, 3 percent).

This week’s poll asks for your input on the town No Place for Hate
committee’s involvement with the Anti-Defamation League.

Should Lexington’s No Place for Hate Committee remain linked to the
Anti-Defamation League?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Other:

Vote: /x428374035
