BAKU: We should Develop Relations between Azerbaijan, Turkey Israel

06.10.2007 13:28:20

We should Develop Relations between Azerbaijan, Turkey and Israel:
Turkish diplomat

Israel, Jerusalem / corr Trend R.Mammadov / Trend’s interview with
Namik Tana, the Turkish Ambassador to Israel

Question: You were one of those who supported the establishment of
Diaspora organizations like the Congress of Azerbaijanis in Near East.
What are your views on prospects of this idea?

Answer: Relations with Azerbaijan are of strategic importance for us
like the relations with Israel. We should develop and encourage
relations and cooperation on trilateral basis. Azerbaijanis are our
brothers worldwide, including in Israel. Though several years ago we
did know each other, now we speak and understand each other in the
same language. It indicates to historical heritage of our nations and
we are proud of that. I see real and loyal representatives of the
Turkish lobby in the Congress, who are prepared to protect interests
of Azerbaijan and Turkey in the region. As an ambassador of Turkey to
Israel I am prepared to render all assistance to support prospective
projects of the organization which will promote trilateral cooperation
and partnership between Turkey, Israel and Azerbaijan.

Question: What are your views on the prospects of entrance of
Azerbaijan energy resources to the world markets via Turkey and

Answer: Currently, Turkey is an important transit place in the world.
Many energy pipelines, running to the West, are passing via Turkey.
The strategic pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan also runs through my
country’s territory. From this aspect, I want to say that there is a
strategy of multiprofile pipelines with respect to Israel. On this
strategy, the energy resources running from the Black Sea are
delivered to Ashkelon, south Israel, and from Ashkelon to Eylat, where
the pipeline has existed for many years. There is a real and
perspective opportunity in Eylat to supply Azerbaijani energy
resources to the market of Middle East, China and India. Along with
this pipeline strategy, we will witness connection of the Black and
Red Sea. This a huge project, but very relevant, profitable and
global. In this respect, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, the Israeli
Infrastructure Minister, is expected to visit Turkey at the invitation
of the Turkish Energy Minister. Indeed, the above described ambitious
project will be one of the top issues during the future talks.

Question: How did the decision by several Jewish lobby organizations
based in the United States on recognition of the so-called ‘Armenian
genocide’ affect the strategic partnership between Israel and Turkey?

Answer: To tell the truth, the decision of Anti-defamation League,
known as pro-Israeli lobby group, shocked and distressed us. For many
years we have had very kind and trustful relations with large Jewish
lobby organizations. I think the decision was taken under pressures of
the Armenian lobby in the United States. Obviously, we could not
accept that decision. Every time when we met with our Israeli friends
we stressed that they should influence pro-Israeli lobby organizations
in the United States. From this aspect, the position of the Israeli
political establishment satisfied us adequately. Thus, Israeli
President Shimon Peres commenting on the so called ‘Armenian genocide’
said that the matter should be researched by historians and the
politicians are to define the horizons of future. Proceeding from
Israel’s such clear position, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan offered
Armenian authorities to establish a joint commission on historical
researchers to study the issue. From this standpoint, we appreciate
Israeli authorities’ clear and rational approach to the problem. We
merely ask our Israeli friends to make it clear for their American
compatriots that history must not be written on the basis of momentary
political bias. Besides, we also try to inform our friends in
pro-Israeli lobby organizations about our position. We do that both
through our diplomatic representations and efforts of the Turkish
Diaspora in the United States. In this respect we want Israel to help
and support us.

Question: How do You assess the current level of the strategic
co-operation between Turkey and Israel?

Answer: Currently it is fact that serious and comprehensive strategic
co-operation is in existence between Turkey and Israel. This
partnership covers all spheres of our co-operation. The two countries
politically co-operate at a very high capacity and carry out permanent
political-military co-operation. In addition, there are deep human
relations. It is testified by the fact that each year Turkey receives
500.000 Israeli tourists. We are very glad for this fact. There are
good cultural relations between Israel and Turkey. Presently we are
establishing a Turkish Culture Center in the building which formerly
belonged to Ottoman Imperia. The Mayor of Tel-Aviv and Foreign
Ministry of Israel make a significant contribution to us in this
issue. There are high level economic relations between Turkey and
Israel, but I think that the potential between the two countries have
not been fully used. Currently the trade turnover between Turkey and
Israel amounts to $2.5bln and I believe that this figure will increase
up to $5bln over the next five years. Turkey’s Trade Minister visited
Israel at the beginning of 2007, with accompany of more than hundred
Turkish business people. This visit further assisted in strengthening
the business and economic relations between the two countries and it
its turn, it help enhance and expand strategic partnership.

Question: In connection with the Turkish foreign Minister’s visit to
Near East countries, some media reports wrote about ‘Turkey’s new Near
East peace initiative’…

Answer: Turkey has an only objective to achieve peace, stability and
security in the Near East. We support any peace initiatives. Turkey
regards the resolution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine as
key in the resolution of many near east problems. From this aspect, we
support any diplomatic efforts directed at the resolution of the
problem.Thus, at the end of October it is planned to hold a peace
conference in Anapolis, the US, under the chairmanship of the US
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. However, the issues to be
discussed and a list of countries to be invited to the meeting are yet
to be defined. We are prepared to participate and make an important
diplomatic contribution in this meeting. At the same time we are for
the peaceable resolution of many issues which Near East faces. It is
also a problem of North Iraq, where the Kurdish terrorists reign,
problem of Iran and Syria, resolution in Afghanistan.

Source: 038527&lang=EN