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ANKARA: U.S. Ambassador Regrets Decision By House Committee


Turkish Press
Oct 11 2007

ANKARA – U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Ross Wilson said he deeply regrets
the decision by the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign
Affairs to send the resolution (on Armenian allegations regarding
incidents of 1915) forward for a vote by the full House and pledged to
continue his efforts to convince members of Congress not to approve it.

Wilson said in a statement released on Thursday that the U.S. President
George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other
administration officials oppose the resolution.

"I sincerely hope the resolution will not be passed," Wilson said.

"Among the many tragedies of World War I and the 20th Century were
the large-scale deaths of Ottoman Armenians. This episode deserves
careful attention and historical study. Mutual understanding and
reconciliation among Turks and Armenians will remain the right course
for all to follow," he continued.

"The partnership between Turkey and the United States is strong and
will remain so. We are determined to pursue our common vital interests
and strengthen our shared values," he added.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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