Are Democrats Using Turkey To "Slow Bleed" The Iraq War Effort?


Red State
Oct 11 2007

Why? Why are Democrats pulling this now?

Most people do not know what is going on or probably have never heard
of the resolution passed by Democrats out of committee a couple of
days ago which essentially accuses Turkey of committing genocide.

Never mind the facts of the situation or the damage which might come
from such an event if passed by the full House tomorrow.

To understand the situation we need to travel back to 1915-1923 when
what is now Turkey was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. During that
time period tends of thousands of people were dislocated and murdered,
including Armenians.

Since then, of course, the Ottoman Empire is no more and Turkey is
a member of NATO and a close American ally. From what I understand,
many of our supplies and fuel to our troops go through Turkish ports
and air space.

Enter the resolution passed out of the House Conference Committee.

France passed a similar resolution last year. As a result, no French
planes have flown through Turkey air space since.

While the State Department issued a statement of "regret" regarding
the resolution, which apparently has 226 co-sponsors (more than enough
to pass the House of Representatives), Turkey is signaling that the
penalty for passage will be severe.

He said the response to the U.S. might not be the same, but warned
if the full House passes it, "We will do something and I can promise
you it won’t be pleasant."

In fact, the resolution, if it comes to the House floor and is passed
could damage our relations with Turkey very serverly.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul said, in a statement on his Web site,
that the resolution was "unacceptable" and "doesn’t fit a major power
like the United States."

In a letter to Bush, Gul warned that "in the case that Armenian
allegations are accepted, there will be serious problems in the
relations between the two countries."

With all this in mind, I must wonder if the stunt is focused on
cutting off supplies to our military through other means – thereby
forcing the military to scale back operations.

If not for that, then why the passage of this resolution? Why the
urgency when there are so many other issues which are vastly more

Let me see if I understand you by mike volpe the House wants to pass a
resolution, non binding I assume, condemning the actions of a country
that no longer exists for an event that happened almost 100 years
ago. Turkey, feeling slighted, is threatening a legitimate diplomatic
response to this non binding resolution. They have already cut of air
space to France as a result of a similar motion, and if they cut off
air space and supply routes that would also cripple our war efforts
in Iraq.

Do I understand what is going on?

How many Reps are co sponsoring this?

Mr. Potato Head, Mr. Potato Head, back doors are not secrets

007/oct/11/are_democrats_using_turkey_to_slow_blee d_the_iraq_war_effort