Meeting President Of Armenia Robert Kocharyan


ABHaber, Belgium
EU-Turkey News Network
Oct 11 2007

During his discussions with Mr Kocharyan, president Barroso stressed
the importance the EU attaches to Armenia’s inclusion in the European
Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and commended Armenia on the steps it has
already taken towards political reform under the ENP action plan. On
sensitive issues, namely Armenia’s relations with its neighbours,
the president underlined the need for good neighbourly relations on
all sides.

Press conference, Berlaymont, Brussels, 10 October 2007
Speaking points, Jose Manuel BARROSO
President of the European Commission
Following his meeting with the President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan

I just had a very interesting meeting with President Kocharyan which
was an opportunity to review EU-Armenia relations in the context of
the European Neighbourhood Policy.

And I told the President how satisfied we are with the good progress
made by Armenia under the Action Plan to implement this Neighbourhood
Policy, especially in the field of political reforms.

This Action Plan will further support Armenian reform efforts through
deepening of the political dialogue. And you know how I am personally
attached to political dialogue and governance as solid foundations
for political stability, democracy and shared prosperity.

I really think Armenia has understood the rationale behind our
Neighbourhood Policy and it is applying it consequently. This European
Neighbourhood Policy is not only about benefiting from some trade
and economic cooperation advantages, which are also important, of
course, but it is also a tool that generates peace, stability and
political dialogue.

We also discussed sensitive issue namely Armenia’s relations with
its neighbours, Azerbaijan and Turkey. We exchanged views on progress
made in settling the conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh.

The President will probably tell you more about this but I think it
is very important to make a real effort on all side to make progress
on those very difficult and sensitive issues.

Concerning Armenian-Turkish relations, I stressed the importance of
good neighbourly relations.

In substance, I appreciated the frank and direct exchange of views
with the President.
