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Turkey Recalls Ambassador Over Genocide Resolution


CNN News
Oct 11 2007

Turkish Ambassador Nabi Sensoy will head home after U.S. House
panel vote

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Turkey has recalled its ambassador to the United
States in response to a House resolution that would call the World
War I massacre of Armenians by Turkish forces genocide, the Turkish
Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

Members of the Workers Party protest the U.S. House resolution Thursday
in Istanbul, Turkey.

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs passed the measure 27-21
Wednesday, even though President Bush and key administration figures
lobbied hard against it. The full House is expected to vote on it,
possibly Friday.

A top Turkish official warned Thursday that consequences "won’t be
pleasant" if the full House approves the resolution.

"Yesterday some in Congress wanted to play hardball," said Egemen
Bagis, foreign policy adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan. "I can assure you Turkey knows how to play hardball."

Asked about Ambassador Nabi Sensoy’s recall after the news broke,
a State Department spokesman said he could not confirm it. "People
are sometimes called back for consultation; sometimes they’re called
back for other reasons," said spokesman Tom Casey.

"If they wanted to bring their ambassador back for consultations or
do something else, that is their decision. I certainly think that it
will not do anything to limit our efforts to continue to reach out to
Turkish officials, to explain our views, to engage them on this issue
and again to make clear that we intend to work on this with Congress."

Casey and White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said they both would
like to see the resolution withdrawn without a vote by the full
House. However, Casey said, "I don’t think anyone is expecting that
to happen at this point."

Democratic leaders said earlier if the Foreign Affairs Committee
passed the resolution, they intended to bring it to the House floor.

Watch why the resolution stirs strong emotions "

The House was not in session Thursday because of the funeral of Rep.

Jo Ann Davis of Virginia, who died Saturday. Members may vote on the
resolution Friday.

Turkey, a NATO member, has been a key U.S. ally in the Middle East
and a conduit for sending supplies into Iraq.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that good relations
with Turkey are vital because 70 percent of the air cargo intended
for U.S. forces in Iraq and 30 percent of the fuel consumed by those
forces fly through Turkey.

U.S. commanders "believe clearly that access to airfields and roads
and so on in Turkey would very much be put at risk if this resolution
passes and the Turks react as strongly as we believe they will,"
Gates said.

Bagis said no French planes have flown through Turkish airspace since
a French Parliament committee passed a similar resolution last year.

He said the response to the U.S. might not be the same, but warned
if the full House passes it that "we will do something, and I can
promise you it won’t be pleasant."

Bagis spoke to reporters while in Washington to attend a meeting of
the Carnegie Endowment.

In a statement on his Web site, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said
the resolution was "unacceptable" and "doesn’t fit a major power like
the United States."

In a letter to Bush, Gul warned that "in the case that Armenian
allegations are accepted, there will be serious problems in the
relations between the two countries."

"We still hope that common sense will prevail and that the House
of Representatives will not move this resolution any further," the
Turkish Foreign Ministry Web site said.

The vote was also strongly criticized by Turkish newspapers, The
Associated Press reported. "Bill of Hatred," said Hurriyet’s front
page, while Vatan’s headline read "27 Foolish Americans."

Casey said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice planned to speak with
the Turkish foreign minister about the issue later Thursday and had
requested calls with Erdogan and Gul.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack issued a statement expressing
"regret" for the committee’s action, warning the resolution "may do
grave harm to U.S.-Turkish relations and to U.S.

interests in Europe and the Middle East."

The nonbinding House resolution said the deportation of nearly 2
million Armenians from the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923,
resulting in the deaths of 1.5 million of them, amounted to "genocide."

Turks strongly reject the genocide label, insisting there was no
organized campaign against the Armenians and that many Turks also
died in the chaos and violence of the period.

Sensoy said the resolution’s passage would be a "very injurious move
to the psyche of the Turkish people."

He predicted a backlash in the country, saying there would be setbacks
on several fronts: Turkish-American relations, Turkish-Armenian
relations and the normalization of relations between the nations of
Turkey and Armenia.

The resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, said the
measure already had 226 co-sponsors, more than enough votes to pass
"and the most support an Armenian genocide resolution has ever

A similar resolution passed the committee by a 40-7 vote two years ago,
but it never reached the full House floor.

The resolution arrives at a particularly sensitive point in
U.S.-Turkish relations. The United States has urged Turkey not to
send its troops over the border into northern Iraq to fight Kurdish
separatist rebels, who have launched some cross-border attacks against
Turkish targets.

Observers of U.S.-Turkish relations have argued the House resolution
could make Turkey less inclined to use restraint in dealing with its
longstanding problems with the Kurdistan Workers Party.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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