ANKARA: Turkish, US leaders discuss Armenian resolution

Anatolia News Agency, Turkey
Oct 12 2007

Turkish, US leaders discuss Armenian resolution

Ankara, 12 October: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan held
a telephone conversation with the US secretary of state, Condoleezza
Rice, late on Thursday [11 October].

Sources said that Rice called Prime Minister Erdogan on the phone and
explained her views about the approval of the resolution regarding
Armenian allegations on the incidents of 1915 by the US House of
Representatives committee on foreign relations.

Prime Minister Erdogan expressed his regret over the decision of the
committee, adding that passage of the resolution will do harm to US
and Armenian interests.

Rice said that the US administration was deeply disappointed by the
vote, adding that they would maintain their efforts resolutely to
prevent passage of the resolution by the full House.

Meanwhile, Rice also called Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan to
explain her views on the approval of the resolution.