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Armenian leader lauds churches’ cooperation

Charlotte Observer, NC
Oct 13 2007

Armenian leader lauds churches’ cooperation

Worldwide head of church says House vote relieves `pain of people’


An issue that has caused rejoicing but also outrage and strained
American diplomacy surfaced at a Charlotte luncheon Friday when about
80 religious and civic leaders shared salad, fish and pecan pie and
listened to words about brotherhood.

On a U.S. tour, His Holiness Karekin II, the religious leader of
Armenians worldwide, was the guest of honor at the Duke Mansion. He
spoke of America’s tradition of religious diversity and praised
Charlotte churches for working together.

After the meal, he touched on an event that has roiled American
relations with Turkey: the vote Wednesday by the House Foreign
Affairs Committee recognizing the killing of an estimated 1.5 million
Armenians during World War I as genocide.

The vote was strongly opposed by Turkey, a key NATO ally that has
supported U.S. efforts in Iraq. Turkey rejects the description of
genocide and says the deaths were due to war and civil unrest.

Speaking through an interpreter, Karekin said the House vote righted
an injustice and helped relieve the "pain (Armenian) people have in
their hearts" after more than 90 years when the killings by the
Ottoman Turks were often denied.

It brings, he said, "consolation to the souls of the victims and the

He added that the vote was important not just for Armenians but for
all peoples, to ensure such a tragedy never again happens. He
mentioned the killings in the Darfur region of Sudan.

Reaction in Turkey, which did not exist as a country in 1915-17, has
included angry marches and the recalling of the Turkish ambassador
from Washington.

Addressing that reaction, Karekin said he wished the vote on the
resolution instead would "free the (Turkish) people from these heavy
emotions" and make their lives more abundant.

On a tour of Armenian churches in the United States, Karekin, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, was scheduled to attend a
service Friday night at St. Sarkis Armenian Church on Park Road,
serving about 350 people in Charlotte.

The luncheon was sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte.
Karekin presented an Armenian cross to Catholic Bishop Peter Jugis,
putting it around his neck and kissing his cheeks.

Karekin praised America as a nation where people from many traditions
live together.

A bouquet of red and white flowers decorated the table where he ate.
As he stood at a lectern to speak, Karekin, after apologizing for his
English, used the bouquet as a metaphor.

"The different churches are like these flowers," he said, noting the
joining of many flowers made the bouquet more beautiful and sweet

Addressing an audience that included CMS Superintendent Peter Gorman,
City Councilwoman Nancy Carter and First United Presbyterian Church
pastor Gregory Busby, Karekin praised Thomas Jefferson and his
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, guaranteeing free expression.

Holding a bishop’s staff, his gold cross glinting in the light of
television cameras, Karekin smiled and said, "I don’t know if I am
expressing my thoughts understandably to you."

The audience erupted with applause.


Jagharian Tania:
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