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Bush and Pelosi Boost Richardson Plan

The Conservative Voice, NC
Oct 13 2007

Bush and Pelosi Boost Richardson Plan
October 13, 2007 12:00 PM EST

by Scott Sullivan

With their massive escalation in the US confrontation with Turkey,
President Bush and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are boosting Bill
Richardson’s plan for bringing home the US troops, now.

No one doubts that the US has escalated a confrontation with Turkey.
The US has actually been in conflict with Turkey ever since Bush took
office. While occupying Iraq, the US has steadily and ever more
insistently promoted Kurdish independence from Iraq. Bush tolerance
of the recent Kurdish-Hunt Oil agreement is a prime example of US
support for Kurdish independence.

Moreover, the US has refused to check grandiose Kurdish territorial
ambitions against Turkey. Kurdish militants including Kurdish
president Barzani (a.k.a., Che Guevara) claim to one-third of
Turkey’s territory as part of a Greater Kurdistan. In the wake of the
US occupation of Iraq, the PKK moved its camps to northern Iraq and
launched military operations against Turkey. US forces are now
protecting PKK camps in northern Iraq from Turkish reprisals. In
effect, the US has declared war on Turkey, which has yet to respond
to a more hostile US policy.

Against this backdrop, Speaker Pelosi is moving through Congress the
Armenia Genocide resolution. In a tremendous provocation to Turkey,
the House of Representatives is soon expected to pass the Armenia
Genocide resolution.

In short, Bush and Pelosi constitute a self-appointed wrecking crew
to demolish US-Turkey relations. However, as noted at the outset,
Bush and Pelosi are actually helping Richardson’s troop withdrawal
plan by attacking Turkey.

First, Turkey could retaliate by withdrawing support from US
operations in Iraq. As a result, Bush would be compelled to withdraw
US troops from Iraq. Turkey provides up to 70% of the logistics
support for US forces in Iraq.

Second, the US public does not want war with Turkey. If Bush
continues to confront Turkey, popular US support will grow for the
Richardson Plan of immediate and total withdrawal of US forces.

Third, Kurdish president Barzani is a Che Guevara type, i.e. an
excessively ambitious ultra-leftist who is determined to destabilize
the region. The more powerful Barzani becomes, due to Bush support,
the more the US public will want to withdraw US forces from Iraq.
Richardson wins, again.


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