Congressmen against Historical falsification

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 12 2007


Yesterday the National Assembly almost unanimously approved the
economic bills included in the agenda of the extraordinary session
and drew to a close its mission.
Before that Speaker of the National Assembly Tigran Torosyan
appealed to the parliament, ` On behalf of the MPs I would like to
express our gratitude to our Colleagues in the US House of Foreign
Affairs Committee, who voted for the adoption of the Resolution on
the Recognition of Armenian Genocide, thus demonstrating high moral
qualities and didn’t yield to various pressures. The MPs naturally
unanimously burst into applauses, and welcome the adoption of
`Armenian Resolution’ by the US House of Foreign Affairs Committee.
Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly Vahan Hovhannisyan in his
turn, responding to the questions of the journalists after the
session, expressed confidence that the adoption of the Resolution is
the victory of not only the Diaspora, not only Dashnaktsutyun and Hay
Dat Committee but also the whole Armenians.
NA Vice-Speaker said,’ Armenia’s official attitude is also of
great importance – the approaches heard from our Foreign Minister,
our President, and our Parliamentary delegations from different
tribunes, in different summit meetings. All this is naturally a good
patronage for Armenian organizations in Europe, America, and
anywhere. The adoption of the Resolution by the US House of Foreign
Affairs Committee proves that Armenia is a weighty factor in the
world policy. Eventually historical justice is being confirmed –
something that can really contribute to Armenian-Turkish future
Vahan Hovhannisyan considers fake the thesis circulated recently
by the US And Turkish executive authorities saying that the adoption
of the Resolution on the recognition of the Genocide will hamper
Armenian- Turkish relations. Moreover, ‘Until the Genocide is
recognized Turkey is absolutely not interested in improving relations
with Armenia and Armenians. The thing is not only about the
recognition of Genocide and the process of the reestablishment of the
historical rights of Armenians proceeding from it, but also present
issues – such as opening the borders, raising the economic blockade
and preventing the elaboration of anti- Armenian projects.’
NA Vice-Speaker believes, `If, as a logical continuation of the
recognition of the Genocide Turkey alleviates its attitude towards
Armenia and, for example, recognizes the Genocide, raises the
blockade, it will automatically make senseless all the projects that
passes around Armenia. That is to say once Kars – Gyumri railway
opens, who will spend money on the construction of Kars – Akhalkalak
Hence, the Congress has launched the process of the Genocide
Recognition and there is reason to hope that Upper House will also be
principled in this issue.
That is why,’ First of all we should be grateful to American
people, because the activity of Turkish lobbyist organizations in the
executive authority very often leads to negative phenomenon, and
eventually the Congress represents the American people. And American
people is fair, freedom-loving people and in fact through the
congressmen they rebelled against the historical falsification.’