Leave allies alone

OSU – The Lantern, OH
Ohio State University
Oct 12 2007

Leave allies alone

Issue date: 10/12/07 Section: Opinion

Beginning in 1915, 1.5 million Armenians were killed in a campaign by
the Ottoman Empire to rid eastern Turkey of its Armenian population.
It was one of the most despicable acts of the 20th century. And it is
mostly forgotten.

In fact, when confronted by a German reporter concerned about
Germany’s plans for what would become the Holocaust, Adolf Hitler
replied, "Who remembers the Armenians."

It is a topic largely ignored by high school history classes and is
generally neglected when people talk about the big tragedies of the
20th century.

The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee voted
Wednesday to condemn the killings as an act of genocide, and The
Lantern can only reply: Why now?

The problem with the committee’s decision is that Turkey is one of
the United States’ only allies in the Muslim world, and now our
Congress has greatly offended them. The last thing we need are
Turkish citizens having public demonstrations against the U.S., as
they have in recent days over the resolution.

Turkey President Abdullah Gul was right when he said, "Some
politicians in the United States have once more dismissed calls for
common sense, and made an attempt to sacrifice big issues for minor
domestic political games."

If we are going to stay in Iraq – and no matter who is elected in
2008 it looks like we are – we will need Turkey’s assistance.
According to The New York Times, 70 percent of all air cargo to Iraq
passes through Turkey, along with 30 percent of fuel and almost all
new armored vehicles.

For some in Congress to vote for this resolution – a hollow gesture,
by the way – shows a blatant disregard for the nation’s international
position. If they want to make a difference, it would be more prudent
to take steps against the current genocide in Dharfur, not one that
happened 90 years ago.

The U.S. is currently trying to keep Turkey from launching an
offensive into northern Iraq, which could have terrible consequences
for our efforts there. Now is not the time to offend one of our only
allies in a region that almost universally hates us.

/paper333/news/2007/10/12/Opinion/Leave.Allies.Alo ne-3029923.shtml
