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Our Nancy

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 13 2007

Our Nancy

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Palosy has
announced that she is not going to yield to the pressures from Turkey
and the White House and is determined to put to discussion Resolution
# 106 on the Recognition of Armenian Genocide. ` I have already
underscored that once the bill is adopted by the US House of Foreign
Affairs Committee it will be included in the agenda of the plenary
session. Now the bill has been discussed by the Committee and it is
going to `enter’ the House of Representatives.’
In response to the question `Why should you complicate the
situation, being under the pressure of US administration and Turkey?’
‘As you know I have been working in Congress for the last 20 years
and during these 20 years people repeat the same. After the collapse
of the Soviet Union (during the years of cold war) Turkey’s strategic
significance, from the geographical point of view, used to be of
great importance. It was followed by the war in Persian Gulf. During
Bill Clinton’s presidency they attached great importance to air
borders and oil-ducts. At present we are facing another war. This
means we will never have the proper time to pass the Resolution,’ the
Speaker said.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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