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People consider the issue settled

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 11 2007


According to Larisa Alaverdyan,’ From the first days of the fight
for freedom when Azerbaijanis were threatening to annihilate Armenian
population in Karabakh, and Artsakh, some people were trying to
inspire the feeling of hopelessness, but the whole nation stood
against Azerbaijan.
At that time some people were saying ` Are you mad? How can you
even think about protecting our lands by force? Don’t you see that
Azerbaijanis exceed in number and are much more powerful and better
But if in the beginning of 90-ies similar manifestations could be
justified somehow, today when the situation has noticeably changed
and Karabakh as an accomplished state can defend its borders, I don’t
think any candidate can be a success in the political arena with such
Some people, based on certain sociological surveys are trying to
state that Karabakh is a secondary issue for our people. In don’t
Our people are far not indifferent towards this issue and they
will never agree to return the liberated territories. The thing is,
our people consider this issue already settled, this is the reason
why it is not a primary issue for them.’

Chilingarian Babken:
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