Republicans won’t yield to provocations

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 12 2007


Head of RPA fraction Karen Karapetyan comments on the fact of the
adoption of Resolution # 106 on the Recognition of Armenian Genocide,
by the US House of Foreign Affairs Committee.

`From the moral point of view the adoption of the Resolution by
the US House of Foreign Affairs Committee is very important for us.
In my view there are chances for the Resolution to be adopted in the
Lower House as well.
As for the future possible developments, I don’t think the Upper
House will exercise his right to certify this resolution and from the
point of view of the distribution of votes, most probably we will
face problems. But even in case the Resolution is adopted by the
Lower House and appears in the Upper House it will be a serious
achievement for us, because thus international community will have
better knowledge about Genocide issue and the number of the
supporters of the recognition will definitely grow all over the
‘One of the principal argumentations of those who refuse to adopt
the resolution is that it will jeopardize `Armenian-Turkish
conciliation’ process. Moreover that it will lay on the line the
security of the Armenians living in Turkey. Do you think this concern
is justified?’
`Of course certain developments can possibly occur in Turkish
society. But in my view it is much more difficult to regulate
interstate relations in the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust.
After all there are countries that chose that way, particularly in
the person of France and Germany that overcame this psychological
barrier and at present they are in normal relations with Turkey.
Moreover at present, these relations are on a higher level.
After all regular development must lead to it, if not today then
in future. One day this decision will be taken and the international
community and why not Turkey as well is going to recognize the fact
of the Genocide, because Armenian-Turkish relations won’t remain on
this level forever. It comes not only from our interests, but also
that of the superpowers, and Turkey as well, taking into account the
geopolitical problems and the developments in the region.
Of course we can’t overlook the factor of Armenian lobby, which,
after the activity of many years finally managed to record certain
victory in the adoption of the Resolution.’
‘Because at the moment only Dashnaktsutyun and Armenian Pan
National Movement manifest activeness, who do you observe a serious
rival for to candidate – the candidate of RPA partner Dashnaktsutyun
party, or the leader of Armenian Pan National Movement Levon
‘Regarding the pre-election activeness I must say that we have
passed through a certain path and we have received a rather serious
vote of confidence during the parliamentary elections. In this
respect our team is rather organized and the political powers that
have just started their election campaign need serious organizational
activity, something that we have already done during the
parliamentary elections. From this point of view the activeness of
those political powers is normal and logical. I don’t see anything
strange here.
It is up to the people to decide which candidate has more chances
to win the elections. As for our candidate, I’m not the one to judge.
In my view the advantages of the Republican candidate are visible for
anyone who follows the political events and is familiar to the
pre-election developments.’