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Solution is going to court

Lragir, Armenia
Oct 12 2007


`I’d hate to spoil the party but this euphoria yesterday and the day
before caused me to worry,’ stated the Moscow-based Armenian
political scientist Andranik Mihranyan on October 12 at the National
Press Club with regard to the affirmation of the Armenian resolution
by the U.S. House Committee.

`Our people easily get irritated and inspired. What has happened? It
isn’t the first time, is it? I was amazed when I was told it was the
first time. It was once discussed at the floor of the House. At that
time it was Clinton administration which held majority in both
chambers of the Congress, and this issue was prevented from
discussing under the pressure of the State Department and the White
House. Now let us assume the issue is put to vote, and considering
the low rating of Bush junior and the Democratic majority, the
resolution is passed. What will it give?’ Andranik Mihranyan says.

According to him, the moral importance is great but Mihranyan
questions recognitions. `France has recognized but without any
outcome, the Council of Europe has recognized but without any
outcome. For Turkey, which is the strategic partner, supporter of the
United States and a powerful state, recognition by this country is
not desirable. Gunduz Oktan, member of the Turkish-Armenian
conciliation commission, said if America recognizes, we do not want
it because if America recognizes, we have nothing to discuss with the
Armenians, now we are speaking, to have an obstacle, when America
does not recognize, we will consult and come to agreement,’ Andranik
Mihranyan who used to be a member of the Turkish-Armenian
conciliation commission reports the Turkish activist.

Mihranyan says in case the United States recognizes, the Turks are
probably thinking like the Russian saying that horrible end is better
than endless horror. `What if they recognize?’ Mihranyan says. He
also says Turkey cannot fulfill its threats against the United States
because these states are not at the same level, and if the United
States wishes, it can divide Turkey. `Turkey cannot afford a
confrontation with the United States, especially regarding this
issue,’ Mihranyan says.

However, considering the issue of Iraq, the problems of the United
States with Syria and Iran, Andranik Mihranyan says Turkey is highly
important for the U.S. administration, and the Turkish government
uses this to pressure on the United States. `I think, however,
Turkey’s possibilities are highly limited,’ the political scientist
says. Generally, he thinks the right track for the resolution of the
Armenian issue to get out of international political circles is to go
to court. `Only a decision that is binding,’ Andranik Mihranyan says.
From: Baghdasarian

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