Turkey’s belligerent attitude threatens relations with West

The Kansas City Star (Missouri)
October 12, 2007 Friday

EDITORIAL: Turkey’s belligerent attitude threatens relations with

Oct. 12–Someone needs to tell the irresponsible Turkish government
to calm down and halt its attacks on northern Iraq.

That someone is President Bush. This week, however, Bush showed only
weakness and timidity in the face of Ankara’s aggressive bluster.

The United States should expect better from an ostensible ally.

Turkey’s over-the-top campaign against Kurdish separatism has already
destroyed hundreds of villages and killed thousands within its own

Now Turkey is shelling and bombing Kurdish areas in northern Iraq,
and threatening to launch ground attacks in force. That would bring
chaos to what has been the most stable and thriving part of Iraq.

In addition, the Turks are throwing another temper tantrum over how
Americans choose to describe the Ottoman Empire’s many atrocities
against the Armenians a century ago.

Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were killed in the late 1800s, and
perhaps a million lost their lives in the midst of World War I.

But the Turks want to quibble with the term "genocide" — so much so
that they commanded Bush to drop everything else this week and rush
to defend the good name of the Ottoman Empire on Capitol Hill.

That empire was one of America’s enemies in World War I,
incidentally, so it seems particularly unreasonable to expect our
president to help whitewash its ghastly record.

"Genocide" was the blunt term that President Ronald Reagan used. But
Bush, kowtowing to Ankara, urges U.S. lawmakers not to approve a
measure that uses the word.

Turkey wants closer ties to the West and has long yearned for
membership in the European Union.

So U.S.-Turkish relations should not be a one-way street. If the
Turks want our continued friendship, they need to act more like
friends — and stop their attacks into a country where we have more
than enough problems already.