Who must be accountable to law

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 11 2007


Yesterday leader of National Democratic Party Vazgen Manukyan met
the journalists in `Urbat’ club.

Unfortunately the speaker didn’t respond clearly to the questions
regarding internal political developments, pre-election stances, and
the changes taking place in the political arena. Moreover the
assessments expressed by the speaker gave rise to new questions and
only on the second half of November can we get the answers to these
questions. His hint on this occasion was rather noteworthy.
` I became an ordinary citizen, in case when I could remain the
country’s first Prime Minister, revolution leader, Defense Minister.
This is the only way to make changes in the country. Compel everyone
to hold press conferences and answer your questions. The officials or
the political figures can avoid answering the questions but they
can’t avoid the questions.’
Vazgen Manukyan announced that he has no intention to give the
details of his October 8 meeting with L. Ter-Petrosyan or to clarify
the assessments that appeared in the press regarding this meeting. `
I came hear to speak about the session of the Council of National
Democratic Party. And I will give partial answers to the questions
regarding my non-official meetings. We attach great importance to
decisions taken by the Council, though the Congress has broader
competences. But because journalists also participate in the
congress, it turns into a show.
The Council confirmed our long-standing anticipation – to have
national values, to build a state based on cultural values, where the
freedom and the rights of the citizens are guaranteed.’
Touching upon the pre-election processes Vazgen Manukyan tried to
substantiate the goal of the united opposition camp. He said the
automatic sum of the people, resources and votes won’t give anything.
Even if all the parties unite they will get a vote equal to zero. It
is society that must be united – adopting an `agreement- oath’
document. Unification is more of psychological significance. `That is
why by nominating my candidacy the Council of National Democratic
Party compelled me and the administration to find common edges to run
for the elections with a united front. The previous experience
displayed that it is easier to provide unification, when all the
candidacies are nominated and two or three of them run ahead. A
question appears hear – either to unite or not to prevent those two
or three candidates from running ahead,’ Vazgen Manukyan believes.
The leader of the National Democratic Party says the slogan,
`Whoever comes after these authorities will be better then these
ones’ is not effective. `Even if it is productive it will cause more
harm than be useful. Besides that we should avoid inventing myths,
heroes. This version has also been practiced and it hasn’t been
effective. What we really need is strong protest; great confidence
towards the one who is going to lead the people and eventually the
people must have the courage to take the power. Only after this can
the country pretend to have future.’
The leader of the National Democratic Party spoke only about the
secondary episodes of his meeting with Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
`Unfortunately he didn’t respond to my initiative to meet in 2005.
This meeting was occasional and it was his initiative. Recently we
occasionally gather in Samson Ghazaryan’s flat. Levon Ter-Petrosyan
also participated in one of our gatherings. I welcome. We discussed
certain issues. We don’t have any responsibilities towards each
other. We didn’t reach any type of agreement. But we managed to
restore our relations that we have broken 15 years back. From the
political point of view each of us stuck to his standpoint.’
However Vazgen Manukyan touched upon the difference of their
assessments of certain issues in 1996. ‘We have diffident assessments
regarding certain events. After the meeting people ask me, `Did you
forgive each other?’ I don’t think it is a personal matter and we
must forgive each other. 1996 was a concussion and it changed
Armenia’s life. Someone must be accountable to the law.
For me there are two Vano Siradeghyans – from 1988 to 1990 and
after 1990. The latter one is not my friend. When the state faces
concussions, many people are beaten and arrested, and they occupy a
building, this means they stole the people’s votes and the criminal
is on that side, or I didn’t win, I simply tried to use the people
against the authority and I’m the responsible.’


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS