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He Came, He Congratulated, He Went

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily
Oct 16 2007

Thus, as one of the newspapers belonging to Armenian Pan National
Movement joyfully reported recently, ex-President Levon Ter-Petrosyan
over again "shook" Armenian world, by visiting Stepanakert, where he
was evidently not expected.

Referring to the "well informed" sources, one of the newspapers even
"communicated good news" reporting that Levon Ter-Petrosyan "gave
a piece of friendly advice" to NKR President, not to interfere in
Armenia’s internal political affairs and not to support one candidate
and conduct black PR against another candidate. As compensation he
"promised" not to relieve him of his office, in case he is elected. How
should we understand this exotic thesis?

At our request NKR high-ranking officials and representatives of
different political powers touched upon this issue concerned.

NA Vice-Speaker Rudik Hyusnunts

"Frankly, I don’t posses such information. But in my view the statement
is not correct as it is. Nagorno Karabakh is a sovereign country and
Bako Sahakyan is a President of a sovereign country and no one is
competent to interfere in our internal affairs."

"With whom did the ex-President meet besides Bako Sahakyan?"

" As far as I know he didn’t meet with anyone. And the meeting with
NKR President was of a pure protocol character. Levon Ter-Petrosyan
has simply congratulated Bako Sahakyan on the occasion of his election
as a President."

" But the "well informed" sources report Levon Ter-Petrosyan has
received a cordial meeting in Stepanakert."

" In my view it is a political PR. I repeat the meeting was of a
protocol character. Anyone can come and congratulate NKR President,
including Armenia’s first President."

"Did Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s visit raise a wave of interest and hot
discussions in Artsak?"

" I wouldn’t say so. I even think that 98% of Karabakh population
didn’t even know about this visit."

Head of the Chief Information Department of the Presidential Staff
David Babayan

Levon Ter-Petrosyan came to congratulate Bako Sahakyan on the
occasion of his election as a President. This was the essence of their
conversation, as reported in the official information. All the other
rumors are senseless, in my opinion. Most probably the newspapers
deliver this information. Regarding your question, it is NKR people
that elect the President of Karabakh and it is their right to allow
or not to allow him to remain in his office."

"Did the ex-President have other meetings in Stepanakert?"

"No. On his way he had one meeting with the people. I don’t posses
any information about his other meetings."

Adviser to the President Vitaly Balasanyan "No one has the right to
allow or not to allow NKR President to remain in his office. Karabakh
is not Armenian province. It is a Republic with a proclaimed and
confirmed independence."

"Was Ter-Petrosyan’s visit a surprise for you or it was expected?"

"Why should it be a surprise? Everyone came to congratulate Bako
Sahakyan, including the first President. I don’t see anything
extraordinary in it."

Leader of "Azat Hayrenik" party Arthur Tovmasyan

"I don’t think it is up to Armenia to decide who will be NKR
President or visa verse, that it depends on Karabakh who will win the
Presidential elections in Armenia. 85% of the population of Nagorno
Karabakh voted for Bako Sahakyan. It is a weighty percentage and in
my view any newly elected President of Armenia must consider Karabakh

As for the visit of Armenia’s first President he simply came to
congratulate NKR President on the occasion of his election.

We respect and welcome any election of Armenian people, no matter
who the people will support. We have never interfered in Armenia’s
internal political processes and we are ready to cooperate with the
candidate who will obtain the people’s vote of confidence."

"Is it all the same to you who will win RA presidential elections,
after hearing Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s forgotten slogan " you will not
live in welfare until Karabakh issue is "solved"?"

" Of course no. Anyhow it is up to the people of Armenia to
decide. Though judging from the results of the parliamentary elections
and the results of sociological surveys Serge Sargsyan has no real
alternative for the forthcoming Presidential elections. We don’t think
anyone except RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan can pretend to be the
future President of Armenia, including Levon Ter Petrosyan."

Maghakian Mike:
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