RA Prime Minister Considers That The Only Efficient Way To Manifest


Noyan Tapan
Oct 16, 2007

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia always with interest keeps
up with the activity of the Union of Armenians in Russia and World
Armenian Congress (WAC) done for the sake of Armenia. RA Prime Minister
Serge Sargsian said this on October 16, receiving the delegation led
by Ara Abrahamian, the Chairman of the Union of Armenians in Russia
and World Armenian Congress.

According to the Prime Minister, the programs of Armenia and the
Diaspora aimed at having a strong state are harmonious, and cooperation
on the way of achieving these goals proceeds efficiently.

S. Sargsian emphasized that Armenia has few natural resources,
its wealth is the educated, diligent people full of initiative,
and the only efficient way to manifest the Armenian potential is
building a stable democratic Armenia with a liberal economy and
efficient army. The Prime Minister expressed with satisfaction that
this is also the way chosen by Armenian organizations in the Diaspora,
leadership and members of the Union of Armenians in Russia.

Attaching importance to development of Armenia-Diaspora contacts in
solution of problems faced by Armenia and its people, S. Sargsian at
the same time regretted to say that Diaspora’s potential is not used
completely yet.

While, according to him, there are very good opportunities and
the results will be noticeable in case of purposeful work. Among
some steps envisaged in that direction the Prime Minister attached
importance to activization of state’s participation and initiatives
in programs implemented in Armenia and Diaspora especially in the
sphere of preservation of the Armenian nation.

According to him, the state not only can promote benefactors’ activity,
but also can contribute to the growth of businessmen’s confidence in
the state.

He also spoke about programs of the state structure immediately
engaged in the problems of the Diaspora, creation of an all Armenian
bank with state participation.

Expressing gratitude to the RA Prime Minister and RA government
for their invitation to closely cooperate with Diasporan Armenian
organizations, A. Abrahamian said that in case of such an approach,
for Diasporan organizations and businessmen it will be already very
difficult to keep away from programs of providing assistance to
Armenia. He assured that the business Diaspora will do everything
possible to justify the homeland’s expectations, as, in his opinion,
the guarantee of Diaspora’s existence is a stable and strong homeland
and preservation of Armenian statehood.

During the meeting, leaders of Diasporan and Armenian communities also
expressed readiness to support further deepening of Armenia-Diaspora
ties, making proposals on various problems of cooperation. Van
Bayburdian, the Vice-Chairman of the Union of Armenians in Georgia,
a member of WAC’s General Council’s Bureau, thanked RA Prime Minister
and RA government for their assistance to Georgian Armenians, in
particular, Javakhk, its cultural and educational centers. Yervand
Azatian, the Vice-Chairman of the Ramkavar-Azatakan Party, a member of
WAC’s General Council, welcoming the idea of creating a state structure
on issues of Diaspora, said that it will contribute to strengthening
of Armenia’s contacts with Diasporan Armenian communities, as well
as coordination of those communities’ activity, for the sake of
fulfilment of national goals.