ANKARA: Supporters Of Armenians

By Yilmaz Oztuna

Turkish Press
Oct 17 2007

TURKIYE- Legislatures in 20 separate countries, out of 200 independent
countries worldwide, have passed resolutions claiming that the Ottomans
committed genocide against the Armenians in 1915.

These resolutions have no sanction, but do serve to show political
stances and benefit Armenians interests. Which 20 countries? There
are many kinds, let’s take a look:

Our NATO allies: Belgium, France (in its lower house, but not yet
the Senate), Germany, the Netherlands, Greece and Italy – all also
members of the European Union. Let’s add to them Canada, another NATO
ally. There are other Europeans: Sweden and Switzerland … The head of
the Catholic world the Vatican … Russia and its former satellites
Slovakia, Lithuania and Poland … Southern Cyprus … They are
very far from us, but include small Armenian communities: Australia,
Argentina, Uruguay, and Venezuela … And finally, one neighboring
country, Lebanon …

Add to these 20 countries Scotland (in the form of the Edinburgh City
Council). As if they have nothing to do besides debating Armenian
issues …

And to complete the picture: In the US, 38 out of 50 states have
passed Armenian resolutions, at a rate of one or two each year.

And now, strenuous efforts are being carried out to pass such a
resolution in US House of Representatives and then the Senate.

We haven’t even added up the Turks who were slaughtered in the
Balkans, the Caucasus and Anatolia. We couldn’t make our kin living
abroad conscious of this. We haven’t even noticed the hard efforts
and victories of a handful of Armenians in so many countries …