Councilmembers Greuel, Garcetti Call on Congress to Pass Resolution

City of Los Angeles
City Council
200 N. Spring St.
Los Angeles, Ca 90012


Contact: Ben Golombek (Greuel) 213-473-7002
Julie Wong (Garcetti) 213-473-7013

October 17th, 2007


LOS ANGELES* Councilmembers Wendy Greuel and Eric Garcetti filed a
motion today, to put the City of Los Angeles on record as urging the
full U.S. House of Representatives to pass H.R. 106 – a resolution
that officially recognizes the 1915 genocide of Armenians as

*It is important that we recognize this tragedy as a genocide, both to
heal the wounds of the survivors and the families of victims, but also
to help prevent future atrocities from occurring.* said Councilwoman

"This crime against humanity resulted in the deaths of 1.5 million
people. It’s time that Congress recognize this horrific chapter of
world history for what it was – a genocide against the Armenian
people," said City Council President Eric Garcetti.

H.R. 106 * introduced by Adam Schiff (D * CA 29th) on January 30th –
passed with a vote of 27-21 in the United States House of
Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, October
10th, 2007 and is now being considered for a full House vote.

H.R. 106, calls upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy
of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and
sensitivity concerning the issues related to human rights, ethnic
cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record
relating to the Armenian Genocide.

The Armenian Genocide occurred from 1915 to 1923, during which Ottoman
Turkey killed 1.5 million men, women and children were killed and
expelled an additional 500,000 Armenians from their native land.

The resolution is co-sponsored by Congressman*s George Radanovich
(R-CA) and Frank Pallone (D-NJ), co-chairmen of the Armenian Issues
Caucus of the US House of Representatives.

The resolution is non-binding and will not carry the weight of the
law. Rather it will simply place the House of Representatives on
record as labeling the Armenian Genocide as genocide.


Areen Ibranossian
Policy Analyst
Finance & Performance Management Unit
Office of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa

[email protected]
(213) 922-9781