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ANC OH: Nick Clooney Delivers Powerful Call To Action Urging Passage

Date: October 16, 2007
Armenian National Committee of Ohio
8132 Camargowoods Ct., Madeira, OH 45243
Contact: David Krikorian
Tel: 513- 289-5265
Email: ohioscreamers@anca.org


Rep. Steve Chabot Casts Critical Committee Vote in Support of H.Res.106

CINCINNATI, OH – Cincinnati area native and veteran newsman, Nick
Clooney, delivered a riveting call to action in support of the
Armenian Genocide resolution (H.Res.106) at the Ohio premiere of
the award-winning movie "Screamers." A capacity crowd attended the
October 10th event at the famed National Underground Railroad
Freedom Center.

The venerable Clooney described the time he went to visit his
sister Rosemary Clooney for dinner in her California home back in
1952. Mr. Clooney mentioned that there were two other guests at
his sisters’ house for dinner that evening, William Saroyan and
Ross Bagdasarian who together wrote the hit song "Come On-a My
House" which Rosemary’s voice carried to the top of the charts in

Mr. Clooney somberly recalled how that night at his sister’s house
over 50 years ago he "learned what had happened to the Armenians".

The event followed a day of intense debate on Capitol Hill
resulting in the passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution in the
House Foreign Affairs Committee by a vote of 27 ` 21. Cincinnati
Representative Steve Chabot (OH-1) cast an important vote in favor
of the resolution, which recognizes the Genocide of 1.5 million
Armenian men woman and children at the hands of the Ottoman Turks
in 1915.

Nick Clooney praised Rep Chabot for speaking truth to power in
recognizing the Armenian Genocide and for recently traveling to
Darfur and speaking out against the genocide occurring there right
now which is claiming 500 innocent people every day. House speaker
Nancy Pelosi has vowed to bring the Armenian Genocide Resolution to
a full house vote before the next congressional recess in mid

"The high turnout and positive feedback from this event drive home
the point that the American people want to see a responsible US
foreign Policy that not only recognizes Genocide but that actually
does something to stop it" said David Krikorian Chairman, Armenian
National Committee of Ohio.

The Cincinnati SCREAMERS tour included three additional screenings
of the film on October 11th including campus screenings at Northern
Kentucky University (11:00 AM), and the University of Cincinnati
(4:00 PM) and a benefit screening at The Esquire Theater in Clifton
(7:30 PM). Attendance was strong at each event with a final tally
at slightly over 400.

"Screamers" is an award-winning, internationally produced
documentary that details the history of modern-day genocide
beginning with the Armenian genocide in 1915, traveling through the
Holocaust era, exploring what happened in Cambodia, Rwanda and
other countries and ends with the genocide currently happening in

The film was produced and directed by award-winning, humanitarian
activist Carla Garapedian. CNN’s Larry King called "Screamers", "A
brilliant film. Everyone should see it." The Village Voice, the
nation’s first and largest alternative newspaper, calls the film:

"Screamers" debuted at the American Film Institute (AFI) Film
Festival in November and won the coveted AFI Audience Award.

The National Underground Freedom Center is located at 50 East
Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Additional Cincinnati-area
screenings will take place on October 11th with a screening at
Northern Kentucky University’s University Center (Room #11) at
10:50 a.m.; a second screening at the UC Theatre located at the
University of Cincinnati at 4 p.m. and another screening to benefit
Not On My Watch at the Esquire Theatre at 7:30 p.m.

The Cincinnati-area "Screamers" screenings are being co-sponsored
by the Armenian National Committee of Ohio, The Center for
Holocaust and Humanity Education, The Franciscan Network, The
Genocide Intervention Network, Not On Our Watch and the Just
Community Initiative at the University of Cincinnati.


Photo Caption:
"Screamers" producer Carla Garapedian surrounded by Nick Clooney
and ANC of Ohio Chairman David Krikorian

For more information about the humanitarian groups contact:
David Krikorian, Chairman
ANC Of Ohio
Phone: 513-289-5265
Email: ohioscreamers@anca.org
Event website:

Press inquiries with regards to the event coverage and interview
requests contact:
Twana Burns, Director, Publicity & Promotions
Allied Advertising, Public Relations
Phone: 513-752-0702
Email: tburns@alliedadvpub.com

Karapetian Hovik:
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