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AntiAmerican American-Armenians


BostonNOW, MA
Oct 17 2007

It really disturbs me that ancient ethnic feuds have to put our troops
at even greater risk in Iraq simply because some Armenians who don’t
seem to have completely gotten off the boat yet insist on condeming
the Turks for something that happened to their ancestors more than 90
years ago. Who are we to make Congess condemn a people for something
that happened then if children in Vietnam and Cambodia now are still
being born with birth defects (thanks to Dow Chemical) and are still
having their limbs blown off from freshly-laid land mines (thanks to
Motorola)? Are there no limits to our smug, arrogant, self righteous
and terminally stupid hypocrisy?

While we’re at it maybe someone should also lobby Congress to hector
Israel for Joshua’s sack of Jericho.

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Antonian Lara:
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