Armenian Community An Organized Political Power

S. Harutyunyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 18 2007

Besides moral "compensation" what use will the adoption of
Resolution # 106 by the US House of Foreign Affairs Committee bring
to Armenians? What is the future of this Resolution that gave rise
to the strong counter-action of the Turkish and the US ruling circles?

Person in Charge of ARFD Hay Dat Political Issues’ Central Office
Kiro Manoyan responded to the questions regarding the Resolution and
the possible developments around it.

"In America’s political life, when they see an organized political
power, when they see that the community is politically organized
they will definitely consider it in every matter. And this is the
expression of an organized power. This means it is not only the
victory of Armenian lobbyist organizations; it is also the victory of
Armenian community. It is true that these organizations are the tools
(Hay Dat Committee, and other Armenian structures), but actually the
community is the real power.

Armenian community can use these opportunities to settle other issues
as well, such as American-Armenian relations, the financial assistance
provided for Armenia and Karabakh and for the achievement of other
pro-Armenian decisions. Moreover these issues will be solved more
easily and will meet less resistance by the ruling circles, because
they realize that they deal with an organized power, with which the
state had better avoid creating problems."

"Do you think Turkey will dare to practice what they preached and
exercise their threats addressed to the USA, such as to "enter" Iraq
and to start "anti- terrorist" activities against the Kurdish rebels?"

"We must differentiate the reality from propaganda. More than one
month Turkey has been bombarding the Kurdish inhabited territories of
Iraq. I have already said, a year ago, that Turkey is going to attack
Iraq. It is another thing, that they raised the issue of attacking
Iraq two days before the adoption of Resolution # 106, when the Kurdish
detachments crossed the border and killed 15 Turkish soldiers. That is
to say, actually it has nothing to do with the Resolution. Of course
they will try to link it with the Resolution, to show that because
America didn’t obey them they will not obey America."

"Can we say that it is a pure advocacy tool?"

" The sequence of the events testifies to it. The murder of 15 soldiers
gave rise to the indignation of society and one of their religious
leaders called the Kurds "successors of Armenians". That is to say
there was an anti – Armenian atmosphere.