Rocktown Weekly, VA
Oct 18 2007
Strategies about war have ranged from Sun Tzu’s sixth century classic
"The Art of War" to the blunt advice from a Civil War general to attack
"firstest with the mostest."
Nowhere in the history of military advice is the dictum, "In a
war, needlessly irritate an ally who basically controls 75 percent
of your air cargo supplies and 95 percent of the mine-resistant,
ambush-protected vehicles that protect your troops from harm."
This is precisely what some congressional Democrats are doing.
Turkey, through which 75 percent of our air cargo supplies travel on
the way to Iraq, is upset about a House resolution that calls a mass
killing of Armenians in Turkey 90 years ago a genocide.
For the House to consider this now is totally irresponsible. Last
year, Turkey ended military ties with France after its parliament
passed legislation that made the denial of Armenian genocide a crime.
Why the rush to pass a non-binding resolution about an event that
happened 90 years ago? Besides, a current genocide going on in
Darfur. If the Congress is concerned about genocide, shouldn’t it
do something to help current victims, rather than fussing about a
90-year-old event?
The Armenian killing was an atrocity. There is no question of that.
But to bring up this resolution now does nothing but cause trouble with
a major American ally in the war on terror. This is so irresponsible –
in the words of columnist Thomas Sowell – that it borders on sabotage.
There are now indications that many House members are having second
thoughts about this resolution. Good. The representatives should come
to their senses and vote this resolution down.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress