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BAKU: Turkey should first sanction measures against Armenia, not US

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Oct 19 2007

Former Turkish ambassador to US Shukru Elekdag: Turkey should first
of all sanction measures against Armenia, not the US

[ 19 Oct 2007 12:41 ]

`We had all-round talks with hesitating congressmen in the US and
tried to change the position of Jewish parliamentarians. The
direction of the events changed after President George Bush phoned
speaker Nancy Pelosi. I think that Nancy Pelosi had also expected
Bush’s call to reject the bill and was seeking a strong pretext to
satisfy her voters,’ Shukru Elekdag CHP deputy told APA’s Turkey
bureau exclusively.

He said that the number of the supporters of the bill on the
so-called Armenian genocide is reducing in the Congress.
`We had met with John Northa Nancy Pelosi’s assistant before. He is
the Vietnam War veteran and we were friends with him when I was
ambassador to Washington. John Northa promised that he will fight
against the adoption of the bill on the so-called Armenian genocide
in the House of Representatives and even ensure democrats’ support.
The position of the persons among the democrats attaching great
importance to Turkey-US relations also weakened Armenians’ power.
Those who do their best to prevent the adoption of the bill in the
House of Representatives have another argument: Barzani regime
supports PKK terrorist organization in Northern Iraq and the US
dissembles it. Therefore Washington does not want to break the
relations with Ankara fully. The US wants to use PJAK against Iran,
and dissembles PKK terror,’ he said.
The parliamentarian said that Turkey should take some steps to
prevent bringing the bill on the so-called Armenian genocide to vote.
`It would be wrong if we had closed Habur border checkpoint and
Injirlik airport in the first stage. Who supports Nancy Pelosi?’
Armenia and Armenian Diaspora. Turkey should take measures against
Armenia and Armenian Diaspora first of all. We should tell them if
they infringe on Turkey’s interests we will also react to it. 4
thousand cars products are exported to Armenia through Turkey, every
day one plane lands in Istanbul airport.
We grant Armenian citizens visas, 70 thousand Armenian citizen work
in Turkey illegally. Turkey should give up this tolerance and act
wisely. Armenian leadership should be warned and some Armenians
working illegally in Turkey should be sent back. If Yerevan continues
its policy, at that time Armenian workers should be deported from
Turkey. Flights from Yerevan to Istanbul should be prohibited
immediately, we should close air corridor,’ he said.
Shukru Elekdag said that Armenia plays game with Turkey.
`Armenia says that I can do everything I want in Turkey, but Turkey
can do nothing against us. Is it realizable? If one country damages
the other, in this case that country has right to respond. Ankara
should send severe messages to Yerevan. Commission composed of
historians should be established, historical realities should be
revealed. Sanctions against this country should not be stopped until
Armenia gives its consent to the establishment of commission composed
of historians. I speak about occupation of Azerbaijani lands by
Armenians, 1 million people becoming refugees when I visit US. We
criticize world community for being indifferent to this disgraceful
fact. We should pursue joint policy in these issues. I believe that
we will work together and form unique platform,’ he concluded. /APA/

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