Examinations of Many Subjects To Be Experimented in ROA Schools


YEREVAN, OCTOBER 19, NOYAN TAPAN. Experimentations of common and final
examinations in the following subjects: "Armenian Language,
Literature", "Mathematics", and "Foreign Language", will be conducted
in a number of Armenian schools of general education. Content
experiments of models of examination tests in Mathematics will be
conducted in a number of schools of Yerevan and the region of Kotayk on
October 19. The experiments of the models of four foreign languages
(Russian, English, French, and German) are envisaged to be conducted in
Yerevan and the region of Tavush on October 24. And the experiments of
the new tests in the "Armenian Language, Literature" subject will be
held in a number of schools in Yerevan and the region of Armavir on
October 26.

According to the information provided by Manuk Mkrtchian, the acting
director of the Estimation and Testing Center, at the press conference
held on October 18, 500 school-leavers will take part in the
experimental examination of each of the subjects.

According to Manuk Mkrtchian, the draft test guidebooks of these
subjects are already ready and will be published by the beginning of
November, as well as be distributed to all the schools of Armenia free
of charge. The acting director of the Estimation and Testing Center
mentioned that subject specialists from higher educational
institutions, as well as from schools were included in the commissions,
which compiled the guidebooks: the presence of one teacher in those
commissions was obligatory. According to him, the number of two-forms
and questions having double answers has been decreased as much as
possible, so as no mess arises during the chacking and making the
results public.

In the words of Manuk Mkrtchian, the procedure of the organization
process of the state final and common entrance examinations will be
established by December.