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Historical Truth: Tit for tat

Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA
Oct 19 2007

Historical Truth: Tit for tat


So, riddle us this, America … Why is it that President Bush
chastised Congress in its efforts to declare the mass killings of
Armenians by the Turkish-led Ottoman Empire starting in 1915

Because it’ll upset a key ally in the region, Turkey, which allows us
to drive our supply trucks into Iraq through its border. So why then,
does he feel it’s OK to stick it to the Chinese by honoring the Dalai
Lama with a Congressional Gold Medal? His urgent need for diplomacy
took a powder, angering the Chinese. Could it be because China has
refused to condemn Iran’s quest for nuclear energy?

Surely the timing is no more convenient for this move than it is for
the Armenian motion before Congress. Consider that on the same day
that the Dalai Lama met with Bush, China, along with Iran, was
awarded a $1 billion contract by the Iraqi government for the
construction of power plants.

We happen to believe that the Tibetan spiritual leader deserves the
honor bestowed upon him — we just find it hard to believe that
Bush’s motives for honoring the man were pure. If we’re getting on
the right side of history on Tibet, we should get it right with the


Kharatian Ani:
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