Monsters and, UK
Oct 19 2007
Pelosi plays local politics over national interest in Armenian
genocide push
U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Democrat- California) speaks
at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., USA, on 04
October 2007. Pelosi discussed the war in Iraq and domestic politics.
By Karyn Chenoweth Oct 19, 2007, 14:24 GMT
Nancy Pelosi was told in a tense meeting with Turkey’s ambassador
that the vote on labeling the Ottoman Empire massacre a "genocide"
would endanger his country’s alliance with the U.S.
Bloomberg reporters Laura Litvan and Nicholas Johnston write that
Pelosi is playing to her constituents in California, heavily
populated with Armenian-Americans. The reporters claim she met with
Armenian cleric and community representatives of "who have a large
presence in her home state of California. In both, she made clear she
intended to bring the resolution to a full House vote."
Since then, Pelosi, 67, has been in retreat.
Laura Litvan and Nicholas Johnston report that her "vow to bring the
measure to a vote outraged Turkey, which recalled its ambassador and
threatened to cut off the use of its military bases to resupply U.S.
troops in Iraq. On Oct. 17, Pelosi said it ‘remains to be seen’
whether the vote would occur after more than a dozen lawmakers pulled
their names from the measure and some Democrats asked her to drop
Pelosi’s timing was criticized, her peers cited her lack of political
savvy and sensitivity to the American troops mired in Iraq, who need
to count on Turkey for critical strategic alliances.
"It’s a good resolution but a horrible time to be considering it on
the House floor,” said Representative Mike Ross of Arkansas, one of
the Democrats who withdrew his support.
"She dug in her heels to find that she didn’t have her members with
her,” said Representative Ray LaHood, an Illinois Republican. "If
you get too far out in front of them, it can be embarrassing.”
m/usa/news/article_1366905.php/Pelosi_plays_local_ politics_over_national_interest_in_Armenian_genoci de_push
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress