Rep. Jones urges Speaker not to schedule vote on Armenian genocide

US Fed News
October 18, 2007 Thursday 1:56 AM EST


Rep. Walter B. Jones, R-N.C. (3rd CD), issued the following news

In a letter this week to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman
Walter B. Jones (R-NC) joined 40 House colleagues in expressing their
serious concerns regarding H. Res. 106, the Affirmation of the United
States Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolution. Citing concerns
that the resolution could hinder the efforts of U.S. Armed Forces in
Iraq and Afghanistan by damaging U.S. relations with Turkey and
further destabilizing the Middle East, the letter urges Speaker
Pelosi not to schedule a vote by the full House on this issue.

"While we understand that this resolution is well-intentioned and our
views relating to it in no way diminish the atrocities toward
Armenians that occurred during the Ottoman Empire, approving H. Res.
106 in the House of Representatives would be counterproductive to
U.S. national security interests in the Middle East," the letter

"As you are aware, the government of Turkey has voiced strong
opposition to this resolution. In fact, Turkish diplomats, Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice, eight former Secretaries of State, and
three former Secretaries of Defense have warned us that congressional
recognition of genocide claims will lead to a review by Turkey of the
entire U.S.-Turkish relationship," the letter continues.

"Turkey sits at a strategic crossroads for our nation and serves as
an important ally for U.S. military operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The Turkish government provides air and land space to
the U.S. military at Incirlik Air Base, which provides a key site for
personnel and equipment crossing the border in to Iraq. In fact, over
half of the cargo flown into Iraq and Afghanistan comes through
Incirlik Air Base. Additionally, the U.S. military’s use of Incirlik
Air Base will be an invaluable component to a successful and safe
redeployment of our troops when the time comes," the letter states.
"Jeopardizing utilization of Incirlik Air Base will not only
compromise current U.S. operations in the region, but will come at
the expense of U.S. Armed Forces personnel serving in the Central
Command area of operations."

"Furthermore, this legislation may potentially derail current efforts
to normalize and reconcile Turkish-Armenian relations," the letter
states. "Derailing this effort could delay the prospect for opening
the Turkish border, resulting in long-term set backs on progress that
is key for Turkey, Armenia and other countries in the region."

For additional information or to schedule an interview with
Congressman Walter B. Jones please contact Kathleen Joyce at (202)