Armenian Premier, US Official Discuss Millennium Challenge Programme


Mediamax, Armenia
Oct 20 2007

Yerevan, 19 October: According to a preliminary report, Armenia is
fulfilling its commitments to the US Millennium Challenges Corporation
(MCC). As Mediamax was told in the press service of the Armenian
government, the Chief Executive Director of the Millennium Challenges
Corporation, Ambassador John Danilovich, said this on Thursday [18
October] during the meeting with the Armenian Prime Minister Serzh
Sargsyan in Washington.

He said that a session of the management board of the Corporation
will take place in November of 2007 in Washington, during which the
implementation of agreements with member states for a one-year period
will be discussed.

In turn, the Armenian prime minister noted that, in accordance with
the MCC classification, this year Armenia passed from the category
of countries with law income to the one with average income, which
prompts the Armenian government to work more actively. According to
Serzh Sargsyan, the draft state budget of Armenia for 2008 is quite
ambitious, which can be noticed by the MCC representatives as well.

Yesterday evening the Armenian delegation, headed by the prime
minister, left Washington for Los Angeles, where meetings with the
editorial staff of The Los Angeles Times, the leadership of the Lincy
Foundation and representatives of the Armenian community of the USA
are planned to take place.