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Foreign Exchange: In Perspective: Genocide and Politics

FOREIGN EXCHANGE with Fareed Zakaria

Upcoming Show

Submitted by forex on Thu, 2007-10-18 15:27.

What are the challenges, and continuities, in 21st century South
America? Daniel Alarcon gives us his view.

And a report on a controversial gas pipeline in Peru.

In Depth: South America’s Future

Daniel Alarcon is associate editor of the Peruvian magazine Etiqueta
Negra and also author of the new novel Lost City Radio. He recently
served as co-editor for a special issue of the Virginia Quarterly
Review devoted entirely to contemporary South America, including his
own essay on the lingering effects of colonialism. We discuss the
cultural landscape of Latin America.

In Focus: Peru’s New Pipeline

The Camisea Natural Gas Project in Peru is one of South America’s
largest energy developments. With six pipeline ruptures since 2004,
it’s also one of the most controversial. In this segment, we look at
how this US taxpayer-supported project has affected the region.

In Perspective: Genocide and Politics

What is the motivation for the House resolution on the Armenian genocide?

Source: ;PHPSESS ID=6fdc3b2b4605d6bd1a902537b4c6f564

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