Launch on new European convention on child sexual abuse


[02:27 pm] 19 October, 2007

25 October, Lanzarote – A new Council of Europe convention aimed at
protecting children against sexual abuse and exploitation will be
opened for signature at a conference of European justice ministers on
Thursday. The convention contains measures to combat sexual abuse in
the home and in the family, as well as child prostitution,
pornography, `grooming’ for sexual purposes and sex tourism.

Statistics indicate that in western democracies approximately one in
ten children or young adults is the victim of some form of sexual
abuse. Sexual abuse against children occurs in various forms: incest,
pornography, prostitution, human trade and sexual aggression. All of
these carry very serious physical and psychological consequences upon

In July 2007, the Council of Europe adopted the Convention on the
Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual
Abuse. This instrument is the first to establish the various forms of
sexual abuse of children as criminal offences, including such abuse
committed in the home or the family. The convention fills the gaps in
European legislation and harmonises the legal framework to fight
against this plague.

The program ”Building a Europe For and With Children” completes this
legal approach. Its objective is the promotion of children’s rights
and their protection against all forms of violence.
From: Baghdasarian