Obama’s Right: Politicians Must Justify their Values

American Chronicle, CA
Oct 20 2007

Obama’s Right: Politicians Must Justify their Values

Rodney Smith
October 20, 2007

I read that Barack Obama started a novel idea. Instead of demagogues
just chanting mantras while the other side covers its ear and says
"la la la", debate should be moved back to open discussion. Freedom
of speech should again be allowed, including tolerance and open
listening. The nation has been successfully split by people making
issues and condemning those that don’t agree with the new
protagonists. Even if Senator Obama did not say so, it’s a good idea
to go back to letting people speak and promote ideas even if they are
not popular with socially dominant judges, education managers and
mainstream media.

It would be great to hear the Democrats explain why it is good to
have foreign dictators speak at our universities while American
spokesmen and students are banned. Why should radio hosts be censored
while Democrats reap money from Hollywood? It would be wonderful if
the Democrats could explain why the first right in the constitution
was cancelled for an article of faith called "privacy", so that
abortion is promoted by the government. How can they be proponents
for open ideas when their beliefs in evolution and human caused
global warming cannot be questioned?

Can they please explain why people that come to this country
illegally should have rights and privileges that people that were
born here and have paid taxes do not have? Why would they cancel the
constitutional guarantee that the government can not confiscate
private property for the creation of federal wildlife preserves?

How can the Democrats be the party for the underdog when they force
people to pay for their party as a fee for working as a teacher? How
can they consider themselves the heroes of the working class when
they work so hard to close mines and stop industries from expanding?
How can they now call themselves the champions of Social Security
after decades of Democratic congresses spent the social security

Why should terrorists be able to move and communicate freely to plan
attacks to take our lives? Why do Democrats travel around this nation
and other nations promoting hatred and disgust for America? How can
they call themselves more qualified for Muslim international politics
when they are ready to deliberately insult an emerging democracy like
Turkey with the Armenian resolution?

American voters deserve to know what the Democrats values are that
underlie these beliefs that undercut personal expression, freedom,
dignity, national sovereignty and even life?

