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Pelosi’s Diplomacy

The Conservative Voice, NC
Oct 20 2007

Pelosi’s Diplomacy
October 20, 2007 01:00 PM EST

by Jeremy Meister

I’m sorry, once again I don’t understand things. On one side, George
Bush is a cowboy invading other countries unilaterally without help
from anyone else. And now suddenly we discover that (as a matter of
fact) we do have at least one ally: Turkey.

And suddenly it’s really, really, really important to condemn the
actions of the Ottoman Empire and their genocide of the Armenians.
Which is an event that happened almost 100 years ago during WW1.

Up to this point, libs have been telling me (rather loudly) that
Islam is a religion of peace. A religion that respects other cultures
and other people and other beliefs. So where is this genocide stuff
coming from?

A quick jaunt in to history reveals that during WW1, the Ottoman
Empire was overrun with the movement of the "Young Turks" – a
political party that was rooted in (surprise, surprise) radical
Islam. They hated other religions such as the Christianity practiced
by the Armenians. So they began a systematic "cleansing" of their
lands. (Some historians speculate that these actions inspired Hitler.
But that is another topic.) The US Congress has twice condemned this

But that was 100 years ago. Today Turkey is very important to our
actions in Iraq. For starters, a lot of our supply lines go through
the nation. The next problem is border disputes. The Kurds in
Northern Iraq have never got along with the Turks. Kurdish insurgents
like to go north, stir up trouble then race back across the border.

The irony is multileveled. The Kurdish North Iraq is the most stable
in the country. But not if Turkey makes good on its threat to chase
the Kurd militia back to Iraq. There are roughly 60 k Turkish troops
awaiting orders to move in to Iraq.

If Bush is a Cowboy for taking actions against the enemies of the
United States, what do we call a group of people who are determined
to run off our allies?

The House (read Nancy Pelosi) is the one really pushing this. If you
remember correctly, this is the same Feminist broad who (here in the
US) demands men (and religious types) "keep their laws off my body"
but then happily goes to the fundamentalist state of Syria to get
smiling pictures of herself in a burka.

So there you have it: Democrats hate the people who are on our side
and love the people who are fighting against us. I remind you that
Syria is a state that loves terrorists. In fact, Syria is even guilty
of the same kind of invasions that the libs are protesting in the
streets here in the US. Was it not Syria that occupied Lebanon for 20
years and even now after pulling out is still messing with the
internal structure of that state?

I guess it’s okay to do rotten things if you’re a brown skinned
minority. After all, Ahmadinejad said things at Columbia and the libs
cheered. If a white Christian guy had said it Congress would be
threatening to cut funding to the school.

But I’m not questioning their patriotism, their ethics, their common
sense, their logic. I learned long ago libs don’t have any of those

Jeremy Meister graduated with a B.S. in History from the University
of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1998 and a B.S. in Media Production from
Missouri State University at Springfield in 2005. He is also a film
director, producer and author of over seven feature length
screenplays including ‘Hollow Dogs’ and ‘Epic: the Autumn Gales’, as
well as owning his own film company: the famous LWC Productions.
Jeremy is the former host and producer of the Conservative internet
radio program "The Tzimisce Show". Presently he is working behind the
scenes at Lotus Broadcasting on such shows as "The Mr. Sunshine Show"
with occasional work for HBO and UFC. Contact him at
LWC_Productions@hotmail.com">LWC_Produc tions@hotmail.com or at
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check out:

http://www.theconse rvativevoice.com/article/28751.html

Madatian Greg:
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