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Revolutions don’t have future in Armenia

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 20 2007


To what extent are the ` pink hopes’ of Armenian Pan National
Movement regarding the `pan national’ revival that will start with
October 26 `big, very big’ mass meeting, justified? Below we
introduce the observations of the leader of Christian-Democratic
Union Khosrov Harutyunyan.

`The main intrigue of the mass meeting is that for the first time
after 10 years’ silence the ex-President will speak. In my view this
speech must be program based and must give reason to meditate upon.
Should the mass meeting and the speech be aimed at the organization
of the social life, the introduction of their personal approach to
the challenges faced by the society, and their solutions, this mass
meeting will definitely give quality and contents to the political
I presume, similar speech will most probably give rise to
responsive commentaries and consequently sound political debates. Or
else society won’t benefit.
I wouldn’t like to jump conclusions. The future developments will
show whether or not this mass meeting will open a new page in
Armenia’s political life. Anyhow I don’t see any problem in such
things and I’m sure these types of meetings will be very common
during the pre-election period. And, in general I strongly believe,
that discussions, arguments and debates are much more important for
the political processes, than black PR.’
`Don’t you think the September 21 speech of the ex-President was
an absolute PR? Can it be considered as a manifestation of a
civilized debate as Ter-Petrosyan usually underscores in his
`In his September 21 speech the first President simply expressed
his attitude towards the current authorities. As for his approach to
the regulation of Karabakh conflict, I wouldn’t agree to his
standpoint that nothing has been done during the previous 10 years.
It is true that the problem is de jure not solved, but it is a fact
that the international community, in the face of Minsk Group
co-Presidents, more than ever perceive that Karabakh issue can’t be
solved without considering the vital interests of Karabakh people.
The thing that Karabakh’s right to sovereignty is enshrined in the
document, unequivocally proves that it is impossible to solve the
issue without touching upon the issue of the status.
That is to say the most important principle of the international
law – the supremacy of the right to the nations’ sovereignty is
reflected in the negotiation process.’
‘Whereas according to Levon Ter-Petrosyan the negotiation process
is, more than ever in a `hopeless’ refuge.’
` It is a fact that Azerbaijan’s attitude has become firm and is
going to become firmer. At present we can state that it is not
Armenia but Azerbaijan that is trying to torpedo the negotiation
process. Unfortunately Armenia’s political outlook and diplomatic
efforts are not bound for making the international community
understand once and for all that Azerbaijan, with its bellicose
announcements, is not only jeopardizing Armenian -Azerbaijani
dialogues, but also reducing to zero the peace-making efforts of the
same international community.
After all we are not the real addressees of those bellicose
announcements. These announcements are not addressed to Armenia; they
throw down the gauntlet to the international community. These are
serious political arguments that must be circulated and we must make
efforts to influence international public opinion.
In the present conditions, when Azerbaijan objectively, more than
ever feels self-confident and has more opportunities to settle the
issue in his favor, to regulate the problem at all costs means to
regulate the problem in Azerbaijan’s favor.
Does this mean Armenia won’t have an important role in the region?
It is a really serious problem. But I don’t think so. At this stage
the process of the regulation of Karabakh issue passes through
Armenian – Turkish border. Thus carrying on the negotiations on the
regulation of the issue, the regulation of Armenian – Turkish
relations, and the issue of de-blockading Armenia must become a
pivotal issue in Armenia’s political agenda. But, I must repeat, this
doesn’t mean we must `solve’ Karabakh problem at all costs. It is not
the right way.’
‘Don’t you think Armenian Pan National Movement is too late with
activeness? The issue of power is in essence solved due to the
parliamentary elections?’
‘We were one of the first to say that parliamentary elections are
valuable, because after the constitutional amendments parliamentary
majority has great role. Both the constitution and the logic of the
organization of social life, we can say genetics, presumes it.
Unfortunately the Mass Media, the political powers, including the
pro-governmental ones, did their bests to make people perceive those
elections as the first stage of the presidential elections. And this
is true. Why not, if some people can avoid running for the
parliamentary elections and immediately submit a claim for the
Presidential elections.
The fact is that the radical opposition was defeated during the
parliamentary elections. Consequently the power that was defeated
during the parliamentary elections shouldn’t be active during the
presidential elections, as the president is not a king any more. And
when the political power that avoided standing for the parliamentary
elections pretends to the position of the president, I start to think
that this political power didn’t manage to get rid of old
Whoever elected as the country’s President, will have to work with
the parliamentary majority. Otherwise serious problems will appear,
because the parliament doesn’t allow liquidating the parliament
without well-grounded reasons, to change the Prime Minister without
the Parliament’s agreement, etc. Moreover no President can refuse to
consider the results of the parliamentary elections, something that
has been recognized by the international community, as the best
during the recent 15 years. `
‘To what extent can the foreign factor influence the forthcoming
` Any presidential candidate must certainly consider the possible
influence of the foreign powers. It is another thing to what extent
they will be decisive during these elections. I don’t think they will
be significant. The foreign powers can sympathize with this or that
candidate and carry out lobbying in his favor, but they can’t
pre-determine the election returns.’
‘What about colored technologies?’
`I have mentioned many times that colored revolutions don’t have
future in Armenia. In general revolutions don’t have future in
Armenia. Moreover I’m sure `colored developments’ will be no good for
our people. In case of Armenia we simply can’t and we don’t have the
right to afford such luxury.’


Maghakian Mike:
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