Why Do They Do The Things They Do?

By Lindon Dodd, lindon.dodd@hotmail

New Albany Tribune, IN
Oct 21 2007

Sometimes you read or hear stories about people whom otherwise you
would think were fairly intelligent people and the only word that
seems to appropriately come to mind is – STUPID!

The dog adoption agency known as Mutts and Moms allowed talk show
host Ellen Degneres to adopt a dog and it didn’t seem to fit in
with the animals in her existing household so she gave the dog to
the daughters of her hairdresser who were ages 10 and 12. Since the
agency had a rule that someone who adopts an animal cannot give them
away they decided to take the animal back from the two girls, who of
course by now loved it as their own.

The agency has a total legal right to do so. However, if their cause
is to find a good home for the animal and that was accomplished, how
can they morally justify this action and the horrible bad national
publicity being cast upon their organization and its honorable
objective. Ellen is a well-known animal lover and could have provided
enormous free positive publicity for this organization. Now they are
getting death threats from people (although I certainly don’t condone
such stupid responses as death threats) who obviously agree with me
on one point regarding the agency’s decision – STUPID!

Kelvin Sampson was off to a great start with IU fans and although I am
not a diehard Hoosier hoops fan, I was looking forward to the program
he was running with great anticipation for the upcoming season. Coach
Sampson and his staff have now brought scrutiny to IU’s athletic
program due to some 100 or more questionable phone calls which violate
NCAA rules. For those who care nothing about basketball or live in
a cave, Coach Sampson was under NCAA sanctions when he was hired at
IU for telephone violations.

I understand that NCAA rules are complicated and even the most careful
person could unknowingly violate a rule. However, since Sampson had
previously violated telephone rules it seems that if he and his staff
would understand any section of the NCAA codes book it would certainly
be those relating to compliance of telephone recruiting calls – STUPID!

Congress is now debating a resolution to condemn our only true
Muslim country ally in the Mideast as to having committed genocide
in killing Armenians in the early twentieth century. We are at war
and Turkey is greatly aiding our troops and Congress now thinks the
timing is right to jeopardize out troops and our war effort (let
there be no doubt – I do not now, ever have, or ever will support
this war personally). Although I risk redundancy when I write this
but for anyone in Congress (Republican or Democrat) this action at
this particular time – STUPID!

Barack Obama has now decided that his new strategy to obtain
the Democratic nomination is not only to attack Hillary Clinton
which is certainly fair game, but now will attack the demagogue of
the Democratic party; former President Bill Clinton who recently
still received a 68 percent approval rating for his performance as
president. This planned political move will certainly rank right up
there with that political strategy genius Al Gore who decided not to
use Bill Clinton during his failed campaign for president. Whoever
is advising Obama on this course of action – STUPID!

An increase in a new staff infection and some recent outbreaks of
E coli along with many epidemics of colds and flues are now being
in at least some part to a national trend of people who don’t even
wash their hands after using the restroom. Not only is this kind of
a gross personal behavior, but it is also – STUPID!

To all the sport’s fans (including myself) who said that the UK
Wildcats football team would fold like a cheap blanket when they
played a real SEC football team, well today our biased, erroneous
opinions – STUPID!

The following list requires no explanation whatsoever for the total
accumulation of their acts over the preceding few months;

Britney Spears’ everyday behavior – redneck, white-trashy, and STUPID!

Michael Vick’s dog fighting activities – Disgusting and STUPID!

Idaho Sen. Larry Craig’s failure to honorably resign – selfish

Please let me know if you know of any obvious stupid behavior!
