BAKU: Azerbaijani Political Parties Support Turkey With Regard To La


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Oct 22 2007

"All states should support Turkey in anti-terror operations," deputy
executive secretary of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Mubariz Gurbanli
told APA. He said that Azerbaijan has always supported Turkey in all
the issues and will continue to support the brother state.

"The US government states that Turkey should solve this problem with
Iraqi government. But I think that, if the US has declared fight
against terrorism as its first policy, it should understand and defend
it," he said.

Chairman of Citizen Solidarity Party, MP Sabir Rustamkhanli noted that
support of the Armenian genocide in the US, George Bush’s protesting
to Turkish Army’s entering Northern Iraq and Barzani and Talabani’s
threatening Turkey are connected with one another.

"At last, Turkish parliament passed a right decision. Unfortunately,
Turkish present pro-American government still awaits the US’s advice,"
he said.

Sabir Rustamkhanli considers that Azerbaijan should give only moral
support to Turkey concerning this issue.

"Turkey does not need other support," he said.

"PKK terrorists are carrying out terrorist acts against Turkey from
the territories under the control of the US. The US should neutralize
them in its territories, or should not impede Turkey. Unfortunately,
the US does not fulfill its duties and tries to refrain Turkey from
carrying our military operations," leader of Azerbaijan National
Independence Party Etibar Mammadov told APA. He said that Turkey has
the right to carry out military operations against PKK and it is in
line with the international norms.

"PKK is a dangerous terrorist grouping for the region. Azerbaijan
should support Turkey," he said.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Popular Front Party Ali Karimli noted that
over 30,000 people were killed as a result of PKK’s actions. Noting
that there are a lot of approaches with regard to PKK in the world,
the party chief said as a result of it Turkey is obliged to fight
face to face against PKK.

"The countries of the world stated the importance of civil countries’
joint fight against terrorism. Turkey has the right to take severe
measures and attack on the military base of a grouping. Strategic
alliance between Azerbaijan and Turkey should be demonstrated in
the solution of daily problems. Azerbaijan and Turkey should have
intensive talks over this situation," he said. As to the position of
US in this issue, Ali Karimli stated that US chairs struggle coalition
against terrorism.

"US should demonstrate principal approach to all terror organizations,"
he said.

Chairman of Musavat Party Isa Gambar regards decisions made by Turkish
government, Grand National Assembly of Turkey and President on struggle
against terrorism necessary.

"Struggle should be carried out against terrorism and severe measures
should be taken against PKK. Azerbaijan should support Turkey in this
issue," he said.

As to the position of US, Party chairman underlined that this state
made sound statements against terrorism.

"But US had to react operatively to this issue when Turkey raised
an issue regarding PKK. But US did not react so, and it caused death
and injury of hundreds of people," he said.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Democratic Party Serdar Jalaloglu underlined
that no any country of the world publicly support terrorism.

"Turkey should clear those forces. Azerbaijan, Turkey and all
anti-terror coalition states should support Turkey," he said.

Chairman of Umid Party, MP Igbal Agazadeh underlined that PKK was
a threat for the whole region. This organization can cause problems
for the great projects in the region.

"Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran can be involved here. The region
states should take joint measures for preventing this threat," he said.

Chairman of Great Establishment Party Fazil Gazanfaroglu stressed
that Turkey’s starting military operations is a main step and Turkey
should continue it.

"Azerbaijan should support Turkey in this issue," he said.