Categories: News

Clouds Are Gathering Around Armenia And Karabakh


22-10-2007 17:18:55

The three neighboring countries of Armenia and Karabakh – Turkey, Iran
and Azerbaijan – are considering the likelihood of war. In addition,
the likelihood seems more and more real as one tracks the news. The
three neighboring countries of Armenia and Karabakh – Turkey, Iran
and Azerbaijan – are discussing the likelihood of war. In addition,
the likelihood seems more and more real as one tracks the news. It
makes think what if it all again hits the Armenian nation?

The U.S. president George Bush stated World War III is likely to

Bush also said in order to prevent it everyone should prevent Iran
from acquiring the technology of nuclear weapon. To support his thesis
Bush referred to the Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s statement that
"Israel will soon disappear".

The ex-secretary of the Iranian Supreme Soviet of National Security
Ali Laridjani said the United States is likely to launch a religious
and ethnic conflict, and added: "We have reliable information that the
United States is likely to ignite a war between Shiites and Sunnis
and is therefore supplying terrorist groups with weapon." The day
after this statement Ali Laridjani resigned.

In the meantime, the president of Iran Mahmud Ahmadinejad arrived
in Armenia today for a two-day official visit. The presidents of
Armenia and Iran will meet and sign a bilateral agreement. Mahmud
Ahmadinejad will also visit the monument to the victims of the Genocide
of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.

The situation is more complicated in Turkey. In a moment of euphoria
the Turkish parliament allowed sending troops to Iraq where Kurds
live. This is all but a permission for war.

Turkey expects the United States to take measures against the Kurd
insurgents in the north of Iraq, the Russian prime minister Receb
Tayib Erdoghan said in answer to the U.S. State Secretary’s request
to abstain from revenge for the attack of the insurgents. On October
21 12 Turkish soldiers were killed at the Iraqi border, Radio Liberty
reported. Over 30 Kurd insurgents got killed in this skirmish.

In case of violations of the cease-fire in Karabakh not only the
Azerbaijani army but also the Armenian army suffers losses. However,
Armenia intentionally hides its losses. The press service of the
Azerbaijani defense ministry has suddenly started speaking about it.

"For already a few years Armenia has been hushing up casualties.

Apparently, one of the reasons is the fear to cause indignation in
people who have been dissatisfied with the policy of the government
over the recent years. The opposition and the media support this
policy. The developments in Armenia, the state of the population is
not reflected in the media," the representative of the Azerbaijani
defense minister said.

Clouds are gathering around Armenia and Karabakh. Although the Armenian
states are not directly involved in the Kurd-Turkish and U.S.-Iranian
conflicts, they may fall victim to regional developments. Azerbaijan,
for instance, mentioned Armenia in its military doctrine as its
external foe.

Turkey is not even hiding its antipathy for Armenia, especially
that the recent tension in the U.S. and Turkish relations was "due"
to the innocent victims of the Armenian genocide.

The Armenians should make efforts to prevent the military actions
from escalating, and if God forbid it happens, to ensure several
levels of security for its people.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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