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AKP Goverment Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Place In Response To

By Gareth Jenkins

Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
Oct 24 2007

Hundreds of thousands of Turks took to the streets in towns and
cities across the country yesterday (October 23) to protest the
killing of 12 soldiers in an attack by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK) on October 21 (see EDM, October 22). They also called for a
military strike against the organization’s headquarters in the Qandil
Mountains of northern Iraq. The continuing public pressure has now
made it almost impossible for Turkish government not to be seen to
taking decisive measures against the PKK. Yet any course of action
will come with a price.

There is little doubt that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
personal and political instincts are in favor of a military operation
into northern Iraq. Although his Islamist sentiments — particularly
his youthful radicalism — tend to receive more publicity, Erdogan
is also a committed Turkish nationalist. Yet, despite his landslide
election victory on July 22, Erdogan is also aware that, when it
occurs, the main challenge to his ruling Justice and Development Party
(AKP) will come from the nationalist right of the political spectrum.

Although Turkish secularists accuse the AKP of having long-term plans
to erode the principle of secularism enshrined in the current Turkish
constitution, such accusations tend to resonate more with Turkey’s
elite than with the masses who comprise the AKP’s grassroots support,
not least because the majority of them are already very religious.

However, it is also among the lower-income groups that nationalist
feelings tend to be the strongest.

The most emotional of the dozens of public protests yesterday were
at the funerals of the 12 soldiers slain in the October 21 attack.

Services were held in 11 of Turkey’s 81 provinces. Significantly,
as was the case with the 13 Turkish commandos killed in a PKK ambush
on October 7, all of the soldiers who were buried yesterday came from
lower-middle class or working-class backgrounds. To put it another way,
the soldiers who are dying are coming from the AKP’s core constituency.

The last 18 months had already witnessed the rise of a bruised and
increasingly strident nationalism in Turkey. It had undoubtedly been
exacerbated by the public sense of rejection by the EU and, more
recently, by what was widely regarded as the national humiliation
of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee’s
approval of a motion describing the killing of Ottoman Armenians
as genocide. But its main focus had been the continuing death toll
exacted by the PKK, which is operating out of northern Iraq. To make
matters worse, the repeated warnings to Ankara by Washington not to
launch a military operation against the PKK’s camps, meant that most
of the Turkish population regarded the organization as operating at
least under the de facto protection of the United States.

The recent PKK attacks have sparked a further spike in nationalist
sentiment. In addition to the public protests, the streets of
Turkey are now festooned with Turkish flags, hung not only between
lampposts by local authorities but also from a large proportion of
residential apartments. Flag manufacturers estimate that, in a nation
of approximately 73 million, they have sold around 15 million Turkish
flags since October 21 (Milliyet, Radikal, October 24).

But, regardless of the international repercussions, the AKP also
faces a possible backlash within its own ranks if decides to launch a
cross-border military operation. One of the most remarkable aspects of
its July 22 election triumph was that the AKP appeared to have bridged
the nationalist divide in Turkey. Even though leading figures such as
Erdogan are known to be Turkish nationalists, the AKP nevertheless
emerged as the largest party in the predominantly Kurdish southeast
of the country. The main reasons appear to have been the fact that
AKP fielded ethnic Kurds as candidates and that it has the image of
being a religious party, which plays well in the most conservative
region of Turkey. As a result, around 100 of the AKP’s 341 MPs are
believed to be of Kurdish origin.

Even if they dislike the PKK as an organization, most of the population
of southeast Turkey are opposed to a military incursion into northern
Iraq and would prefer a peacefully negotiated settlement, including
some form of amnesty for PKK militants. This is partly because
they fear that an invasion will ultimately lead to an escalation of
violence and partly because almost all have a friend or relative who
is, or has been, involved with the PKK.

In addition to military action, the AKP is also under intense pressure
to impose economic sanctions on northern Iraq, including closing
the border gate at Habur. In the wake of the October 21 attack,
many company owners and heads of business associations have expressed
their willingness to sacrifice their profits and curtail their economic
ties with northern Iraq if, by doing so, they are serving the national
interest (Hurriyet, Milliyet, October 23).

However, their enthusiasm is not shared by the masses of southeastern
Turkey; for many of whom trade with northern Iraq represents not extra
profits but their livelihood. Mehmet Kaya, chairman of the Board of
Commerce and Industry in Diyarbakir, the largest city in southeast
Turkey, estimated that transportation alone provided employment for
200,000 people in the region. "The region has a trade volume of $2.5
billion with Iraq," he said. "About 60 percent of the 300,000 tankers
and transportation vehicles work for Iraq. Will 200,000 people sit
at home if Habur is closed?" (Referans, October 24).

Unless the AKP responds to the pressure from Turkish nationalists
among its grassroots, it risks seeing their support shift to the
ultranationalist Nationalist Action Party (MHP). But if it takes
military action or imposes economic sanctions on northern Iraq,
the AKP risks alienating a sizeable proportion of the population of
southeast Turkey and undoing one of its greatest achievements in the
election of July 22.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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