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Microsoft Intends To Become Activate In Distribution Of Legal Softwa


2007-10-23 23:10:00

ArmInfo. The Microsoft Corporation intends to become active in
distribution of legal software in Armenia, vice President of the
Microsoft in Central and Eastern Europe Vahe Torosyan said at a
international conference in Budapest.

The conference was held on October 17-19 within the frames of the
Unlimited Potential programme for Central and Eastern Europe and was
targeted to present and discuss the Corporations activity in overcoming
the digital inequality by development of new products and decisions
intended for creation of social and economic opportunities. Total of
85 people from 20 countries, including Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Serbia, Macedonia and Russia took part in the conference organized
for Mass Media representatives.

V. Torosyan said that the Microsoft schedules to hold serious
negotiations with Heads of big companies in Armenia, which assure high
employment for explanation of advantages of using the legal software,
till the end, 2007.

"I think that these big companies have no reasons to use unlicensed
software since they are conscientious tax payers", he emphasized. Along
with it, V. Torosyan expressed hope that RA government will put in
his spoke in distribution of legal software. "The issue of creation
and adoption of law on copyright protection was considered within
the frames of the last-year meeting with RA prime minister, however,
the country’s government took no steps in this direction so far",
he said, having expressed hope for the soonest solution of this issue.

Within the frames of the conference, a video-message of the Microsoft’s
President Bill Gates to the event participants was presented. "Over
30 years have passed after PC appearance, however, only 1 bln out of 6
bln of people, who are on the peak of the world economy’s pyramid, use
the PC. However, the digitizing should cover the developing countries,
different layers of society, including the rural communities. Everyone
should be enabled to fully realize his potential. New products and
solutions, which will meet the needs of the developing communities,
new creative business-approaches, due to which the technologies will
become more accessible, should be created and should closely cooperate
with the local governments, educational establishments and public
organizations for 5 billion people to be able to take advantages of the
information technologies. As a result, wide distribution of computers,
the telecommunications allow to improve the labour productivity and
reduce the corruption level promoting development of the countries’
economy", Bill Gates’ massage says.

To note, the Microsoft started realizing the Unlimited Potentila
programme in April, 2007. This programme extends and completes the
Corporation’s efforts on creation of opportunities for stable social
and economic development of over 5 billion people all over the world,
who have no access to the advanced technologies today. The programme’s
main purpose is extension of the available programme of continuous
education by three directions: education, innovations, employment.

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