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Report: Israel Marring Turkey-US Ties


Oct 24 2007

The recent crisis in US-Turkish relations is embedded in the Israeli
lobby’s concern over Turkey’s closer ties with Iran and Syria.

According to a report carried on the Rense website Wednesday, the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Turkey’s other
erstwhile friends, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), are
concerned about its amicable ties with the mentioned countries.

The report adds that the Israeli lobby, withdrawing support for their
former allies in Turkey, have pushed for the approval of the Armenian
genocide resolution.

Turkey, Syria, and Iran are cooperating in battling PKK forces on their
respective territories. It appears that Israel is willing to sacrifice
its past close relations with Turkey in its support for the Kurds.

Israel’s Mossad has re-established close links with the Kurds in the
region and is creating tension between Iran, Turkey, and the Kurds,
the report notes.

The election of an Islamic-minded government in Turkey has been
another reason for AIPAC, the ADL, and the neocons in Washington to
turn up the heat on Ankara.

Adding to the anger of the Israel lobby was the recent natural gas
deal inked between Syria, Iran, and Turkey. Iran will provide Syria
with Iranian gas via Turkish pipelines.

Turkey has already blamed Israel for the passage by the US House
International Relations Committee of the Armenian genocide resolution.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan reportedly told Israeli president
Shimon Peres earlier this month that since Israel ultimately controls
Jewish-American organizations like the ADL, Turkey held Israel partly
responsible for the passage of the Armenian genocide resolution.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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